Friday 31 August 2012

Halls Gap - The Grampians

We arrived yesterday in Halls Gap to a balmy 8 degrees!  To top it all off it was pouring with rain and blowing a gale.  I can handle cold, wind or rain but not all three at once!  We drove through Horsham and I saw a Jayco dealer and I said to Jason "Let's trade the camper in for a caravan".  He thought I was funny but I wasn't joking!

We woke up this morning with more rain but it was more like a drizzle.  It didn't stop us from venturing out so we all rugged up and off we went.

We visited Mackenzie Falls, Reed Lookout, The Balconies and Boroka Lookout.  It really is a beautiful place, despite the weather.  We also went for a drive to Lake Bellfield and walked across the dam wall.

The sun decided to make an appearance this afternoon so the boys were happy to ride their bikes and play in the games room.  A whole heap of kids arrived this afternoon (I guess because it is a Friday) so the boys were stoked they had other kids to play with.  The resident emu also made an appearance.  He is a bit too friendly for my liking!

An early dinner for us tonight as we successfully tired the boys out with all the walking we did today.  Jase and I like it when the boys go to bed early so we can enjoy a few drinks.  It's the small things....

We are leaving tomorrow to start our journey along the Great Ocean Road.  Only small trips for the next week as we don't have to be in Melbourne until Friday 7th September to catch the Spirt Of Tasmania to Devonport.


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