Friday 24 August 2012

The people you meet - Adelaide

I am not sure if we have spoken about this in any previous posts, but whilst we were at Mt Elizabeth Station in the Kimberley, we had the pleasure of meeting a family from Adelaide, Kim, Trudi & their daughter Ziah, a little cracker that Zander took to like a Maverick poo does to his undies.....(we are glad that phase is just about over)  They love kids and just adored the boys, plus it was a release for them (& us) for the kids to amuse themselves.

They were headed the same way and we met them at different camps, and also spent a night in Broome at Zander's restaurant after seeing the magic sunset with some wines, cheese and bikkies.

They insisted we stay with them when we got to Adelaide for my birthday. Nat and Trudi kept in touch & today we marched the final 430klms south and arrived. Zander said he couldn't wait to stay in a real house & play Ziah's iPad games... 

Candlelit home made delicious pies with a funky tomato salsa, a local Cab Sav, chocolate pudding and ice cream for dessert, and some great conversation was what awaited us. How good is that!

The boys played with Ziah, had a bath, watched telly & basically had a blast. It was almost 10.30pm when we realized they were still up.....that usually means tears at some stage tomorrow.....but that's okay, we all need a late night now and again.

The trailer is parked up in the driveway, we have taken over the games room, the washing machine will get a workout tomorrow and I might just leave a little red dust reminder for them on the driveway after washing the car.....(it's a Kimberley thing, you will understand when you get there) At no stage have we, or will we feel like there is any imposition, they are the highest calibre of people. 

As an example, they have booked their favourite restaurant for all of us tomorrow night while their god daughter will watch the kids, on Sunday they insisted on watching the boys all day while we tour the Barossa & Mclaren Vale wineries with Sue & Dale who are arriving tomorrow, and on Monday they want to push us out the door again so Nat & I can enjoy a meal on my birthday together! 
This looks like it will be a great few days in Adelaide courtesy of meeting like minded people in one of the most remote places on earth. 



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