Saturday 18 August 2012

Uluru - Look, the big rock Mummy & Daddy!

Coober Pedy is a small Opal Mining town. It reminds me of a large Rubyvale/Anakie & the gem fields of Central QLD. Heaps of people out here that can mine for opals and make a living out of it.

Unfortunately we didn't have time to look through the opal stores or houses underground, but we might stop in on the way back if we don't attack the Oodnadatta Track on our way toward the Flinders Ranges. There really isn't much else to see there unless you have the time and how to mine opals interests you.

In speaking with a couple of locals last night, it seems they love living in the hottest place in Oz that pretty much consists of one street.  Hats off to them. If there weren't people like that, the outback wouldn't have the backbone that it does. Friendly, accommodating happy people that are great to talk to.

735klm lay ahead of us today, it was nice to wake up, shower, have our weetbix and  just walk to the car and go.

There is a large number of cattle road kill along the Stuart Highway, more so than anywhere we have seen. The boys try to be the first to spot and identify it. Over our time we have seen cattle, kangaroos, wombats, wild pigs, emus, sheep, snakes and one camel. Whilst they have seen all these animals living along the journey, it is a great learning experiencing seeing this and relating it to road awareness.

Zander was the first to spot it...the big rock that is... Well Mum did actually but we let him take the honors. Every time it went behind a hill & Maverick spotted if again he took the honors... Pretty exciting seeing it for the first time and the looks on the boys faces make the drive well worthwhile.

You can see it from about 47k away but that is by road, not sure how far it would be in a straight line with the human eye.

This campground is obviously well catered. The resort handles all types of accommodation and it is reasonably priced and clean.

We set up and dried the trailer & all of the awning after the rain in Coffin Bay, organized everything and sat down for a beer to watch the sunset from the campsite - which is about 16k away. The boys made new friends, Mav took his customary tumble on his bike and we had an early dinner then bed.

Tomorrow we plan to go out there for sunrise, maybe climb it & do the base walk.

Looks like it will be a perfect day weather wise also so we think it was meant to be.

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