Friday 17 August 2012

Coober Pedy - BIG day!

We rose early and were on road at 6:50am after packing up in the cold rain & wind of Coffin Bay. Today we travelled 930klm with a 5 & 3 year old. Surprisingly & as we have come to expect, there were no dramas. They really do travel in the car well. We think we have the right mix now....
1st stop @ 2.5hrs, no movies just chatting and maybe a kids audio book. They get 1 x movie up to lunch or another 2.5hr section so it occupies them for an hour and a bit. They seem to amuse themselves well after that with cars and dinosaurs.....

A normal "long" day would have us in camp set up, but not across the Nullarbor or going up the middle to Uluru. The next 2.5hr stint Dad sits in the back and reads with them, plays stickers and silly Dad games....they seem to love this more than anything, not sure who more, me or them!!!

Today on the last leg they got to watch another movie, so they were 'Happy as Larry.'  Making movies a real privilege has been the best thing we ever did. They still have no DS or can play 'phone games' due to a couple of tanties after Perth, but on this environment they certainly learn fast when you introduce structure & consequences of bad behavior. No different to home but it is a different world on the road and hard to get the right mix.

I said to Nat let's push on to Coober Pedy and get a deluxe cabin at the Big 4, just park up, get pizza, shower, then wake up and walk to the car & trailer and start driving again. She didn't need much convincing.

We arrived at 6pm even with a 2hr layover in Port Augusta for lunch and some mucking around...

The boys loved it because there were bunks just like Nanna & Grandad had at their place.  Imparja (the outback nine network) had the Broncs playing, Austar saw Nat catch up on E News and the boys just climbed up and down the stairs on the bunks. $105 well spent.

The biggest rock in the world that changes colours during the day awaits tomorrow..Boys are pumped again...

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