Monday 6 August 2012

Gloucester Tree, Valley of the Giants & Albany

Tree climbing, walking, & a cranking ocean....

We rose at the normal time to go and climb Gloucester Tree which was reccomended by the Bryant family. In saying that, Chris couldn't find the man bits to make the climb so I need to thank Adriana for the motivation.

The tree is 61m high and the tallest pegged tree climb in OZ.

Nat was not keen and I was apprehensive given the ranger said if it got any windier she was going to close it, but I manned up - and went up. As you would predict, nearly at the top the wind went bananas and I can honestly say it was moving at least 2 feet from side to side. I hung on like it was going to go over but the reality is, that tree isn't going anywhere. The third tallest species of tree in the world and it has had more than 1.2 million people climb it, but it's not for the faint hearted. Get on it, good fun.

After this, we travelled to the Valley of the Giants Treetop Walk about 140k toward Albany. Again, this was amazing and the boys loved it. Nat was hanging on to those railings like there was no tomorrow and refused to look down. Nothing seems to faze the boys however, they just trojan on.

The walk was very well done and a must do also, you really do feel like you are in the forest canopy and at the highest point it was 40m. If doesn't sound very high but get up there, in a metal swing bridge on a windy day, & 40m looks a lot higher. Great stuff...

Onward for another 110k to Albany where we set up at Emu Park, a little out of town. This is another nice town that reminds us a little of Christchurch, only without the remarkables. Very nice, and 30,000 people think so also because they live here.

A local girl said to go out to the Gap/Natural Bridge because on windy days like today the ocean cranks through the blowholes and rocks....she wasn't wrong.

Aside from what seemed 100+klmph winds and howling rain, we ventured out there and "cranking" was an understatement. This was wild. The exposed underbelly of the WA far south coast toward the Great Aussie Bite in full flight is something to behold. It was worth the rain and wind to go and see it. Mav stayed in the car because he hates wind, but Z Mann loved it. Gold.

Dads pasta for tea, Olympics on the telly in the camp kitchen and all is good. A very full and busy day, we think we might stay another day here. Will see how we wake up tomorrow.


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