Sunday 12 August 2012

Nullarbor Plain

Today we left the Gold Town of Kalgoorlie Boulder heading east along the Nullabor. What was predicted at 500klms turned out to be 800, our longest day in the saddle so far. Free camping at Jilah Rockhole, about 300m off the highway & about 550k west of Ceduna.

Away at 7:30am and in at 4:45pm with 3 stops along the way, plus an added 45mins advanced by the central western timeline change.....which I never knew existed!!! There must be at least 50 people in this part of the world that are equidistant in time zone between Perth & Adelaide with a 45 minute differential...go figure??

15 mins to set up without a de-hitch & by the time I had the canvas clipped in Nat was defrosting the meat and we were enjoying butter chicken for tea at 5:30. By 6pm the family were toasting marshmallows on the fire with a red wine and Nat's customary chardy...

The boys were brilliant today, not one fight, (not that they ever do in the car) they were very talkative and found ways to amuse themselves in books and dinosaur figurines. At 12:30 after 5 hours I promised them one DVD and that was such a great privilege....for them and us. Regulating these types of things has certainly improved their behavior. Parenting -  living and learning all of the time.....

Off to Fowler Bay tomorrow, maybe 2 nights, we will see. The big driving days will put us 2 days ahead of schedule for Adelaide and our catch up with Sue & Poichy, can't wait to get amongst the wineries for my birthday.

2 days will enable us more time in The Flinders Ranges,  and allow us to go into Coffin Bay (which isn't in the schedule) before we make our way into Adelaide to catch up with some great people (Trudy, Kim & Ziah) whom we met in the Kimberley & who have kindly offered to open up their home to us. I asked Zander today if Ziah was his girlfriend and he blushed harder than his standard red cheeks appear..., bloody funny & we are all looking forward to catching up again.

All good on the Nullabor Plain.....


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