Sunday 30 September 2012

Thredbo - Skiing with kids?

Today we thought given the boys were going OK, being the experienced skiers we are that we could teach them some more. That was a mistake.

Not only do they take guidance better from the instructors, in reality we are hard pressed staying upright let alone try and teach others how to do it....

Zander was doing nothing Mum was asking and actually being a nasty little bugger because he thought he knew it all, & Mav just isn't into it and just wanted to ride the magic carpet up, but not learn how to stop coming down...., it was more fun pole axing Dad instead.

We decided that we would take turns skiing ourself and the other watch the boys. Mav was tired and wanted to go back to the room so Mum went with them while I honed my skills some more on the "easy goes it" slope. After about 5-6 runs I was confident I could do the intermediate slopes so I went back with some lunch for the team and switched with Nat.

When Nat got back I got Zander into his gear to go for a ski, Nat organised Mav to go for a bus ride into the village, and we parted ways again.

I thought Z was good enough to go on the chairlift with my support and we could go easy down the slope a few times which we did. To my surprise he did a lot better than I thought!!!

The first two times I had him between my legs but realised he was just along for the ride, the 3rd time I told him he was on his own and I would go beside him. 3 falls after on the first run he had his confidence and by he 10th time off the chairlift he was 50m down the hill before I even was ready. I was so pleased and wish we had longer to stay.

He had enough and asked to go back to the room so I took him back to Mum who subsequently heard all about it!!!

The ice was melting hard now and it was quite warm out, so I said to Nat I was going up the top. She gave me that "are you sure you know what you are doing" look, and the truth was I didn't but went anyway.

I thought the lift would only go up half way for intermediate, but no, all the way to the top it went. This was magical in itself in terms of views, but nerve racking at the same time given I had to get down somehow and maybe Nat was right.

Up the top it all made sense, different runs for different abilities. I took the easy runs and even those were bloody steep. I went over numerous times and looked like a real gumby, but started to get the hang of it in the end. At one time there was an instructor taking about 5 people down fully controlled with confidence building tips and support along the way, I managed to ski straight through the middle of them, about 70% in control and lost it going ass up in front of them face in the snow. Nobody laughed (I would have) & the instructor just said "well that was a good one wasn't it?" I said I didn't do things in halves.....

I just traversed as best I could down the hill & at times was going too fast to think what to do, but managed OK & came away unscathed. Good skiers really make it look easy and I feel that next time I will go the snowboard because when each leg wants to go a different direction on the skis you not only look like a knob but don't go anywhere either. On a board I think it would be easier to control once you got the hang of it, easier to get up, easier to carry around, the boots are more nimble and lighter, plus it is cooler!!!

It was fun, but exhausting and I am glad I went up because the lifts close tomorrow for that part of the mountain. It was brilliant up there and there certainly is a massive jump between the beginners slope to the intermediate, but that's the best way to learn. It is another world up there, it's own bar and bistro, seated area etc, so for people that know what they are doing, wouldn't need to see a beginner all day and just go straight to the top. That will be us next time!!

I wanted to make sure I was back in time for the footy. In reality I was stuffed given I made hard work out of what should have been easier, so I came back down & we returned all the hire gear.

Upstairs in the restaurant we watched the footy and the right team won which was great, and again we found ourselves yawning by 7:30pm. I managed 60 minutes while the others were in slumberland and joined them soon after.

A great few days, blessed with actual snowing, good weather and some memories we will never forget. Off to the Gong tomorrow to catch up with some old friends.



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