Saturday 29 September 2012

Thredbo - real snow falling from the sky

This morning when Nat opened the curtains it was snowing. A real treat for us as we have never seen it actually falling before. The boys were just amazed and had to ring Nanna & Grandad to tell them straightaway. Before we knew it the boys & I were out there throwing snowballs at one other having a ball and looking like true Queensland tourists taking photos of it all!!!

Great stuff that makes the few extra dollars spent well worthwhile. There is an analogy I like that says "pain is temporary - memories are forever" the same sometimes applies to spending money and we truly believe it today, plus we haven't even fallen on our asses on the slopes yet...

What a mission to get the boys ready. It was like central station in the locker room, nowhere to sit and get ready, we couldn't get Mav's boots on, we couldn't find poles, the floor was wet (we thought it would be a good idea to wear our socks down rather than take shoes and leave them there) Nat was getting impatient, the boys were getting antsy & Dad was trying to keep a smile on.....we got there in the end.

When dropping the boys off at Thredboland, Mav started to cry, we knew that would happen,  Zander just took off and was all good but uncharacteristically today, not Mav.

There are little holes you can look through to see them after they go in, he spotted me and blew up again. I looked at Nat who was 3 quarters of the way out the door with a frown saying "Come on!!" as if to say "don't worry about him, he'll be fine in 5 minutes, we have a day to ourselves so pull your head in!!" I think she has done this 'dropping the kids at school' thing before !!!

Out at the lesson, whilst we have only ski'd once before, it did come back easily enough. We were able to remember how to stop and turn then ski'd until basically 2pm (after a short break for lunch) I won the day for most time spent with bum in the snow - about 10, Nat didn't go over once but my excuse was that I could crawl quicker than she was skiing!!!!

We had a great day together without the little terrors which was brilliant, finishing with a few beers and the first half of the AFL Grand Final in the pub before we picked the boys up.

During the day we saw the boys come out and do their lessons. They are so cute on the snow, all given little Thredboland singlets to signify them as that group which was cool. They don't allow poles, and like us are shown how to stop and turn which was great. At the top of the "magic carpet" lift, I saw them as I was coming down the hill, Zander was all thumbs up to Daddy as he forgot to stop and ploughed straight into the instructor, but when Mav eyeballed me he started to blow up. "Good one Daddy" Nat said at the bottom as she waited for me. She'd seen them too but didn't let them see her on the way down, whereas I stopped of course to take photos and Mav got upset and wanted Daddy.

Nat made a good point in that we have been living in a confined area with them for 5 months & particularly with Mav, she thinks the separation thing might continue for a little while when we get home. Zander has also mentioned a couple of times he will be sad when Daddy goes back to work every day and he won't get to see me. I am sure they will get over it pretty quickly.

We were blessed with continual snow throughout the day, not only does it look spectacular when it settles upon everything, it makes the skiing thing that little more special. At one stage on the lift going up it was teaming down, (if that is the snow term) and by the time we got to the top we were both covered in snow, which was cold but cool. I subsequently went ass up coming off the chairlift much to Nat's amusement. Legendary stuff from the big Mann.

We were a little sore and sorry by the time we picked up the boys so we went back and watched the end of the footy, Funniest Home Videos & by 7:45pm we were all asleep with the lights out and our mouths open.....

In summary it was a terrific day & we have one more tomorrow.




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