Thursday 27 September 2012

Lakes Entrance - slowing down

We now find ourself not as motivated to get out and do everything on offer in the places we are going to. I think we would just like to stop somewhere on the way home where we have been, and just relax for a week. We will go into town and venture around a bit, but the plethora of cruises and activities on offer just seem too hard today.

The forecast today was for a balmy 26 degrees. It certainly got warm enough although there was plenty of cloud cover. The boys scoffed their breakfast so they could go straight to the playground (15m in front of us) in their pyjamas.

Mum did some more washing and by 9am Maverick had turned feral, wouldn't walk from the playground to the trailer and just sulked continually if anyone looked at him.

We started a game of cricket with the kids next door, (at which time Mav wanted to lie down on the pitch) & after that Dad & Z went down to the beach to kick the soccer all and make very average sand castles. This didn't go down well with Mav...

10am came quickly and the boys tested their painting abilities on the plaster casts the park gave to all of the kids. Zander had a pirate, Mav a formula one car. Let's just say, like their parents, they have the creative genes of a fence post. But they will tell you they are works of art of course....

Into town after lunch and the boys eyed an ice cream shop, so we indulged because we haven't done much indulging, no cheeses, pastries or chocolates along the way.....

After this we went down to the beach and the boys managed to get down to their undies for an unplanned swim in 14 degree waters. A short walk along the esplanade with a coffee and most of the day was gone. Back at camp we bribed the boys with a Maccas breakfast of English Muffins if they get up early and wait in the car while we pack up so that we can head to the snow early and be up at Thredbo by lunchtime. They didn't need much convincing.

The runs are becoming a bit more consistent now, as are Nats walk so we managed another one this afternoon and we will get the boys into bed nice and early because they have been absolute pains in the ass today, all because they went to bed 90 minutes later than the normal routine.

The tenants are vacating the house is weekend so we think we might come home a little earlier around mid October. This will put us on the road for 5.5 months and give us 2 and a bit weeks to move back in and have a holiday before work!!!

Bring on the skiing.




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