Sunday 2 September 2012

12 Apostles & Father's Day

I awoke today with 45kg of young boys jumping over me saying happy Fathers Day. I was gifted a great card and a new stubby cooler accompanied it which was sterling. (I have been collecting them for some time now) Just seeing the boys light up is enough but as usual my endearing wife was worried it wasn't special enough. There are no doubts in my mind why I will be sticking with her....

Soon after we left Port Campbell bound for Apollo Bay. A short way west we got to see what we have only ever seen in pictures, the 12 Apostles. In saying that we could only see 10, but it was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

We agreed that whilst it was awesome, some of the other wonders along this stretch of road are equal in beauty beside these bits of sandstone sticking out of the water. Either way, those that have seen it will understand what we mean, and for those who haven't in time they will - if ever they have the good fortune to drive it.

On to Apollo Bay for lunch. A nice little town.

We had the best chicken burgers we have had in a while and the boys got to abuse another playground. I must say the Victorians do them extremely well. Other states could learn a few things from the way they do it. We had planned to stay here overnight but to be honest it didn't float our boats, so we headed to Lorne.

The road gets very hilly and windy through this bit and the landscape changes dramatically. It reminded us in some parts of the road between Cairns and Port Douglas, in others the road between Wollongong and Bundeena, and in others the road along the south coast of NSW. All brilliant in their own right so to compare and liken them all in a 150klm stretch on a sunny day was priceless.

Disappointingly, there were some idiots that presented themselves in fast cars. In one instance a Ferrari overtook us at high speed like he was filming a James Bond movie, and in another a WRX decided that overtaking across double lines around blind corners at high speed was pretty cool too....We didn't share the same view however because we were coming the other way and had two young boys in the back seat. Close call which angered us no end. Mercedes, BMW's, Audi's....they were all out to play today.

Lorne didn't disappoint & lived up to its reputation. A charming little beachside town that would be easy to live in if you could get work close by. I guess Geelong wouldn't be out of the question, but still a wee way to travel each day. Again an exceptional playground, this one boasts trampolines for a small fee so the boys got on board. Maverick is still a bit uncoordinated and at one stage landed on his back and managed to snap kick his forehead simultaneously with both feet which resulted in a massive smile over to us followed by a big belly laugh....then back onto his feet again. Bloody funny.

It was amusing that for the first time we felt a little under-dressed. I had my famous $8 Big W jeans, steel cap boots, and $5 KMart sloppy joe on, while Nat was donning the equivalent denim, pink gum boots & an old jumper as old as Zander. As we walked around it was all designer clothing, leather jackets and knee high boots. The boys looked like they were well looked after, but the parents might have looked like they were on loan..

Given we had a chance to walk the whole foreshore, Nat got a walk in and I a run, we think we might have breakfast somewhere nice and move on to Torquay in the morning. The campsite is average but in close proximity to town and basic services, so it makes sense to keep moving after something to eat. It helps when you only travel 150 odd klms and are on the road by 8am as it makes for a noticeably different day of activities when there is plenty to do.



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