Thursday 20 September 2012

Cradle Mountain - Tazzie Devils

Rain greeted us this morning on a cold & crisp day. It would have been easy to just lay in bed and read a book, but 3 & 5 year old boys soon stopped that line of thinking.

We utilised the camp kitchen for breakfast and made our way to the Ranger Station to do The Enchanted Walk. This was only a 20-30 minute walk but quite nice.

Everything is nice here...

In saying that it was bloody cold - and wet, and although I wanted to stay out in it and do a few more walks, as always sensible Mum said we should get the boys out of the rain. They don't seem to get that when the forecasted top is 8 degrees and you are wet, you are probably going to get crook.

At the end of the walk it guides you to the gift shop where we grabbed a couple of souvenirs including a Huon Pine cheeseboard (that was way overpriced, but really nice) and will go splendidly with our new salt and pepper shakers & cutting board. Did I mention how much I dig this Huon Pine????!!!!

The decision to put the portable DVD players in front of the boy's noses & relax in the trailer with the heater on for a couple of hours this afternoon was an easy one. The boys just went bananas when we pulled them out and they were so excited given we have regulated it in recent weeks. It's nice to make them happy.

We'd promised them a tour of the Tasmanian Devil enclosure so this afternoon we came good & it was quite good. They start with a short movie on them which Mav fell asleep in, then they let you pat one & take you out to see them in the enclosures. They also had Eastern & Spotted Quolls which he boys loved too (in the movie these little creatures tear down wallabies 3 times their size for dinner so they were cool!!!!!)

Whilst we would have liked to do more walks, weather and kids didn't really permit. This is certainly one place we will most definitely come back to. The summit walk and The Overlander Track has now moved into our bucket lists, and we would really dig doing this with the boys when they are old enough. We have enjoyed our short stay and did get lucky yesterday with the views of Cradle Mountain, so all is good.



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