Saturday 8 September 2012

2 days in Melbourne

The rig was in desperate need of a bath and I had to do it because we are off to Tasmania tomorrow night on the Spirit and they could possibly quarantine it it is covered in dirt and mud from 5 states and territories.

This took most of the morning while Nat and the boys enjoyed the couch and TV courtesy of having the house to ourselves.

After lunch we tried to go for a walk but it was just too windy and unpleasant so we just went back to the house and chillaxed. Before we knew it Greg and Julie were home and we got Italian takeaway and enjoyed a couple more wines and an early adjournment to bed.

Whilst we haven't done much, we needed to slow down for a bit anyway, so all good.

Day 2 was in synch with yesterday in terms of weather, so after a little sleep in we basically packed up and got ready. An old colleague Rene asked to catch up so we spent a couple of hours over lunch talking about what's been going on which was good. He has lost 16kg so I didn't recognise him when he walked in. 

By the time we were finished there, we had to arrange a couple of things before making our way to Port Melbourne for the boat, then back to thank & say goodbye to Greg & Julie. Once again we have been spoilt by hosts willing to take in a feral family of 4 that look like they are permanently spray tanned orange from the excessive exposure to red dust.

Thanks guys, we appreciate it.



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