Saturday 15 September 2012

Salamanca Markets & Mt Wellington

It was nice again to be in one spot for 3 days. Two days is good but sometimes is not enough, but 3 fees like you are settled again.

Yesterday we made our way down to the City to have have a look at Salamanca Markets. They were good, not full of that cheap junk that some markets are offering. I particularly enjoyed the range of Tasmanian wood items, most of which are hand carved. Some salt and pepper hackers took my fancy but I just couldn't  part with the $130 they wanted for them. Sassafras was the type I liked, an almost grey-green wood that had a brilliant grain. I made the decision not to buy as Nat reminded me we are going to Queentown and the west coast which is timber country, there might be something there.
Nat managed to buy everything on offer that will make her warmer in the immediate future. I must admit winter apparel is quite cheap and well catered for in these parts.  Loads of jams, cheeses, pastries etc, all quality which was nice.

We then ventured up to Mt Wellington at 1270m. It was 18 degrees at the waterfront and 6 at the summit. Patches of snow everywhere and the first time the boys had seen it. We made some snow balls and threw them at the rocks & the resulting boys smiles were infectious. I can't wait to get to Cradle Mountain and Thredbo, they are going to love it. 
The views were spectacular. It was slightly cloudy although clearer than overcast so the photos were OK but not perfect. A little hazy also which doesn't help.

Cyclists riding up, runners & walkers all taming the mountain, hats off it is a long haul up there. We thought there would be a coffee shop or restaurant up there given the views and location so close to Hobart City, but nothing. It amazes us.  How nice would it be on a clear winter's day, surrounded by snow in front of a log fire looking over the Derwent with a hot coffee in your hand? I don't get it. Even if it was Government owned/run, there is a big opportunity there.

Back to camp mid to late afternoon & I took the boys down to the Putt Putt course on site. This was just like Grandad's but with more holes they said!!! They had a ball and it gave Mum a breather for about an hour and a half.

The beauty of being able to plug my coax into a decent aerial and have tv reception means more breathing space for us, which has been good while we have been here. Having a shower and bath 5m away as been nice too and it certainly been abused.


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