Saturday 15 June 2013


Well Weipa is a place to stop on the way to the Cape.... that's it really.
One of those places you need to go because it is on the way.  If you  have a boat and love the basics then this would be a great boys trip, similar to Karumba, but otherwise, I wouldn't come back.

Dirty dunnies and average amenities don't do the only caravan park any justice but the whole town is a bit messy and not well looked after.  I think we are now able to make judgement on remote towns
that are worth visiting and those that are not... and this one is not....

We had a look around and stocked up on supplies like stale bread and frozen meat.  I understand that stuff would be extremely hard to get in here, and that you just have to made do, I guess the lucky ones have a choice where they can live... mine is where there is a bakery that has fresh bread...

We then headed back to camp to negotiate a possible fishing expedition.  Truth be told the tides were against us and as locals said, don't waste your time, so we didn't - we had cold stubbies and a semi grassed areas to sit and chat the night away.  We did wonder out to the beach to get some shots of the sunset, but in reality while nice, Broome for a western sunset makes all else look average.  There, as always, is a woman that thinks she and her family is the best on earth which irritates me but what do you do.  This one wouldn't shut up about her brother in law and how he was kayaking across from the tip to Papua New Guinea, which is brilliant, but hearing about it for a half hour constantly from a chick in purple flowery pyjamas on a beach in Weipa is a bit rich.  That will do me...
My brother in law this.... my brother in law that.... he does Ironman, he does this, he does that... I felt like saying well you married the wrong man by the sound of it.... I can be very judgemental at times.

Anyway, all good.  It was nice to spend the sunset with my beautiful lady and the boys who just ran sprints up and down the beach with the daughters of purple pyjama lady.  A few stubbies later and I was watching Game Of Thrones on the iPad in the Mann Vann, gotta love this technology.

Pennefather tomorrow, let's hope it is what everyone raves about.


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