Thursday 20 June 2013

The Tip of Australia

On the advice of a local, low tide was the best time to go to the tip and get some shots at the sign that is there. This way you can almost walk the whole way around on the beach, then come back over the rocks to do a full loop. Obviously you can do this in reverse which is what we did. Low tide was at 4:30pm so we thought 1pm would be a good time to go and this way the return beach walk would be right about low tide.

The morning consisted of Darren and I fixing my trailer indicators and generally getting things sorted, along with some reading time which was nice, so the afternoon plan to do the tip worked in nicely.

The drive out there was spectacular rain forest with a nice little creek crossing to keep us honest. Magical and what we had all expected the trip here to contain more of. They leave the best till last.....

Out there the clouds started to clear also which meant we would be all good for a nice walk and some time out there.

Over the rocks for about 500m there were some great views of the neighbouring islands, and the tip itself. Well worth the walk so we are glad we did the harder route first.

Out at the sign there were only a few other people so whilst it would have been nice to have it all to ourselves like we have had so many spots in our travels, it would have been selfish for us to expect such at what is one of the most sought after locations to get a Polaroid in the country. Just brilliant to tick this one off and get to another location many might never see.

The beach route back was nice, although slippery and muddy in spots. Great to see the point from ground level and get some more shots of the boys playing around and generally loving the time on the beach.  

We all decided to splurge on dinner at the local restaurant called the Corrugation Bar. The meals were reasonably priced and quite nice for somewhere so remote. The beers were not so cheap but what do you do. These people have to stay afloat so whilst it hurts a little, in the scheme of things it is water off a duck's back.

A couple of family silly face photos and we were all spent really. Not much to do after that other than a couple of lines of chocolate and a few chapters more of my James Pattinson thriller.

I think the Cape beard needs to go tomorrow. I need to start thinking about looking half decent for my new employer.....

Jase & Nat, from on top of Oz.



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