Wednesday 5 June 2013

Bluewater Campground

Another 700klm today found us free camping at a place called Bluewater 35klm north of Townsville. This was on the advice of The Toms Family & they were spot on as it was perfect, a couple of hundred metres from the highway, a big playground for Mav, toilets and concrete tables just outside most of the campsites.
We were lucky to get one of the tables and true to form Mav fell off the seat and hit his head on the concrete. Dead set he must have a hundreds dings in that cranium of his, it's always getting a hammering but it doesn't seem to phase him much.
He then (with a dint in his head) made friends with some teenagers by just saying "my name is Mav, what's yours and can I play with you?" Definitely Mr Sociable my little Mann is, and to the boy's credit, they were happy to play with him.
Once again he travelled well, we stopped in Home Hill for some food and unlike yesterday we got away at 6:30 and it gave us a good run at it. Roadworks still slow you down but unlike yesterday we were set up and fed well before dark ready for the footy.
After trolling through the web to try and find free live streaming I was out of luck, they all wanted money to watch so we went to sleep at 7:45 and I set the alarm for 10:30 to watch the replay on Foxtel GO until the wee hours. My sleep is not going to get much of  a run tonight again. Trucks all of last night and if I am lucky Mav will again tonight use my back to dig his knees into just to keep me honest......
Lucky we will be in Cairns late morning tomorrow with a planned early start again & I might be able to arrange a siesta in the arvo with Nanna arriving around the same time as well.
All good so far.

Jase & Mav.

The playground Bluewater

Mav sitting on replica Burdekin Bridge

Trying to scale Everest (Home Hill)

Cane Harvester
Campsite Bluewater

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