Friday 7 June 2013

A Bung Vittoria Tyre

Today we rose as always at sparrows given Mav is a morning person....a very early one at that....
It is a lot easier keeping one child quiet at 5am in a campground that is for sure, but he also eats up the 100% attention from everyone which seems to improve his listening ability.

Breakfast, clean up, brush teeth & then down to register. As I drove out the Toms were just surfacing....8:45am mind you. They must be on holidays!! Nanna & Grandad looked after Mav, with the help of Zac & Emily Toms who have continued to be great with him. He follows them around like a bad smell.

I met up with Rich, Emma, Brad & Anika and we got registration out of the way, then returned to get ready for a ride with the boys only to find my rear tubular tyre is stuffed and I cant ride!!
Nat is happy to bring my spares down tomorrow so no harm done, I just need to glue it on and hopefully it will set in time to race Sunday. Not ideal but there is always something with me & my preparation.... The downside is that I won't get much of a ride in, nor much time to check the bike is running perfectly. I have to rack by 3pm and I think I may have relaxed a bit too much in this taper week....I think I have had 4 days without doing any training....
Lets just say my holiday to the cape seems to be taking front and centre in my mind....

Carbo welcome party tonight, is great to have Mum & Dad here to watch Mav, they enjoy it & he loves the time with them too. Apparently he was asleep by 6pm, no dinner or tooth brushing, he was just smashed from the day roving between everyone's campsite and chatting. Lookout Cairns Holiday Park, his older brother arrives tomorrow and he wont be outdone.
The food was great at the party tonight, the best I have had at a carbo dinner. Cairns Convention Centre was a great venue also. They have the awards night there and something tells me I may be a little late getting home.

The Cahill's were in the Toms's annexe upon my return so I went and said hello. Judging by the amount of Tooheys cans on the table Rich & Darren are not racing IronMan Sunday.

I feel so left out.

Jase & Mav....still loving the boys trip.

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