Monday 10 June 2013

The day after

True to form, sleeping solidly after competing in an ironman seems to be difficult, not sure why but it seems to be fact. I struggled yesterday, my worst result ever, yet the most satisfying finish I have had. It was a mental thing all day and I was pleased I didn't give up when it would have been easy enough to have. It was great to see Nat & the boys out there in the rain, the feeling of seeing your family is indescribable after a tough day. Thanks so much guys, it made me so happy.
Strangely, this morning leg wise I felt reasonable so knowing we needed to get supplies, organise the car and get sorted for the real reason we came up here, I endeavoured to keep moving. Dad mentioned a 15c discount for fuel at woollies so we went there to get supplies, then we met up with team sharkies for a big lunch at Cock & Bull. Great feed for a great price. A couple of pints later and I was on my way.
By the time we got back, Dags & I managed a couple more frothies before he snagged a free ticket to the awards night and it looked like we were in for a big one. That is before we got there to find we had to sit through presentations before we got to eat anything, and when we did it was cocktail so just what a triathlete needs after ironman, no decent food and standing up all night.
Not a good look for USM, they got this one wrong. It was similar in Melbourne but there were more seats available....still, they need to look at it.
Home by 10:30pm and I was feeling absolutely terrible. I think the trip and race all caught up with me and has flattened me. I am seriously not well.
All good, we are on holidays now. No time to be crook.


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