Tuesday 18 June 2013

Sunken Nissan, Bent out of shape and 3 water falls

Today we only had around 120klm to travel, so there was no rush.

In saying that we still managed to get away before 9am through fear of packing up in the rain. We got lucky with a dry spell for a couple of hours.

The cows got fed again and the boys managed to ride around and meet every camper. A nice place to stay though a little expensive if  you want to eat at the restaurant.

We left and stopped briefly at the roadhouse then adventurously decided to go and have a look at the Old Telegraph Track (OTT). There was no intention to do it, although if it was easier than people said we may have given it a go.

That all ended a the first creek crossing called Palm Creek.

Wet, muddy, steep, ruts as deep as the passenger windows & basically impassable. In the dry with some skill you can appreciate people get through, but not today. The pictures say it all. One 50m decent, through the shallow creek,  then a similar climb the other side.

Some young guys came along and got big erections when they saw it & decided they would go through. First to go was a Nissan Patrol who made it basically to the bottom of the decent through sliding down, then gunned it up the other side and got absolutely nowhere. There was a crowd of about 20 at this stage and we all watched while they attempted to winch out........they were going to be there for a long time!!!

The crowd got what they came to see and after waiting for 15 minutes or so with no more action, promptly retreated back to the main road and onward. Funny stuff and hats off to the boys for having a crack. That will either make for an expensive extraction, or a great yarn by the campfire for years to come. Well done.......not for my Prado though......

As we left we hit road that had seen quite a large amount of rain which on these unsealed roads is not something we have seen. It was literally like driving on ice. Extremely slippery made worse by a 1700kg trailer behind you. At one point the Mann Vann decided to go in a different direction to the Prado and we were looking at the side of it in our side mirrors and getting bent way out of shape quickly. Nat had her customary panic attack which is of the same tone if this happens or Mav spills some milk, and I just said its OK & managed to straighten it up. Pretty scary though, I thought we were gone for all money.

This of course was viewed by the Toms family who thought it was (as Jo puts it) "hilarious" and it made quite the talking point over the UHF's for the next little while. I am just glad we didn't lose it.

Further north, it dried a little although pleasantly not enough to create dust, which was a welcome change today. We took a right turn to get into Fruit Bat Falls for lunch & a swim. The falls were magic, perfect for the boys and a welcomed cool off from the humidity. Most of us took the opportunity to swim and smiles all round afterward. 

We then ventured up another section of the OTT to head towards Eliot Falls where we were camping. Along the way we faced a creek crossing in terms of deepness we had not seen before. Some others came across before us and the height ranged from bonnet level to mid bull bar depending on the car. It looked easy enough so we all went through unscathed, with Tomsy probably getting nearest to the bonnet given his Pajero isn't raised. Still no challenge for him though.

On to Eliot Campground to find someone had pinched one of our campsites. After some negotiation they moved on and we all got set up quickly enough.

Down to the falls (Eliot & Twin) for more swims and needless to say the boys were in their element.

Whilst they were nice falls, they really don't hold a candle to anything that the Kimberley possesses, but definitely worth a look while up here. The Toms family have so much more to see.....we are so envious.

BBQ dinner, no fire, a couple of stubbies and another episode of Game of Thrones, and it was off to sleep. There may have been some chocolate and Tim Tams in there also.....

PS...The funniest thing we have seen this holiday happened tonight when Zac Toms had a panic attack when his Mum & Dad asked him to wipe up the dishes. We have heard all these stories about how he suddenly needs to go to the toilet, has stomach pains or a headache when he has to help out in some way, but we just thought it was a funny story - seeing it first hand had us all in fits of laughter.....bloody funny & well done for your creativity mate.

All in all an eventful day today.

Jase & Nat.



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