Thursday 13 June 2013

Old Laura

It would have been so easy to stay at Elim Beach for another day....or week if we had time, but unfortunately we had to meet the Toms's at Old Laura Homestead Campground in Lakefield National Park. It was good to not have to rush and enjoy the remoteness of this we didn't....

We had time to go and see the Coloured Sands which were great, only you had to drive through a bit of salt water to get there, which stopped Dad in his tracks.....Multiple colour sands and at the top of one of the sand dunes we climbed had spectacular views of the region. Well worth the effort....

A total of 85klm today through some beautiful ranges on major unsealed road had us arrive at around 12:30pm. Setting up is getting back to the normal routine we are used to. Orbit tennis and cricket stuff out soon after to keep the boys amused and again we are sitting down relaxing in the shade, only this time into bush.

What was a expected ETA of 3:30pm for the Toms's, 2:30pm rolled around and they were here. They set up quickly and we all enjoyed a cold one getting to know one and other. Great to be back together as a planned group.

Darren & I love fire so we got that sorted, then decided to go down to the river for a swim/bathe/splash...... The boys loved it. Throwing rocks, swimming and splashing, what a great feeling it is to see them doing something so simple in a remote area that gives them so much pleasure. It makes you forget how much they can be little ass-holes when they want to be.....

Labour of love.....that is for sure.....

Fire was going by 4, dinner was done by 6:00pm, nightmarish kids going to bed done by 7:30pm. All good now to sit by the fire for a few frothies and bourbons given I am not worried about training now....Darren is a bad influence on me....

Tomorrow will see 550klm of unsealed road and an early start needed. The word is it will take 8hrs with breaks so I  have thrown it out here for an 8am start......I will let you know how that goes in our next post.....


Elim Beach
Old Laura Campground


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