Tuesday 11 June 2013

Cooktown via Bloomfield

Consistent rain had us packing up in the wet. Nat gets snappy and impatient when it rains or is cold when in the trailer and today was no different. I have to laugh when she gets like this because she is shit-house at it. It's like she has to try to be cranky.......just not in her nature generally....
Dad got the van stored away at one of Darren's work colleagues depots and we were off about 10. Unfortunately Darren's car is still not operable so he is in limbo in Cairns now waiting for repairs.

North to Cape Tribulation and this is what rainforest is all about. Magical greenery, the purest of air to breathe...a great spot.
Cape Trib marks the start of the Bloomfield tracks which was apart from some steep maintained gradients, a low level 4wd track but a good drive all the same. We passed through Wujal Wujal Aboriginal commune which was the best we have ever seen in terms of upkeep and cleanliness this place is in the middle of nowhere but in paradise. Dad was saying Matt Bowen came from here and it's amazing to see the field where he would have cut his trade. Lets just say a little more uneven & low key in terms of what I was used to.
The Lion's Den pub was toward the end of the track so we stopped in for a look because you have to look at these remote pubs when you drive past them. As with all the others, they have their own personal touch but in the main, everyone signs the walls and there is a backpacker behind the bar doing his time to extend his visa so he can stay in the country longer. Nice little pub where you can free camp and enjoy a cold schooie.
The track was slow, from Cape Trib it took us 4 hours and we really didn't plan on being in Cooktown that late and setting up at dusk. It is one to do but if it is the Lion's Den you want to do it for, you wont miss much if you go the road way, save 3 hrs and turn right at the junction because the pub is only 5k down the road.
It is what it is and we managed to set up quickly and have a BBQ for dinner and an early night. From the look of it this is a nice little town and we will have a look around tomorrow. We spied a Merlo Coffee shop too, we might give it some business tomorrow.

Jase & Nat.

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