Monday 14 May 2012

Lawn Hill Gorge

Yesterday after leaving Burketown bound for Lawn Hill we stopped at a place called Gregory Downs on some good mail again from Bob Bond. This place (the river camp) is easily missed if you arent told where to go so we got there after a little searching and it was well worth a look.

We had some lunch & I took a swim in the crystal clear water of this flowing creek, magic is all I can say. I managed to convince the boys there were no crocs and they got in also for a brief moment, Nat...not a chance...You could easily stay here a few days, but we had to push on along the unsealed road to Budjamilla N/Park or Lawn Hill Gorge....

It was bloody hot when we got here, we had a look at Adele's Grove on the way through and it looked nice, but we were camping at the N/Park which was 10k's away and where you do the canoeing from so we pushed on and got set up.

It was Mothers Day so I cooked up some of my fish and some veges and we were all good. I even cleaned up too but that had a little to do with the fact Nat had the shits because I had a crack at her for the way she stacks the fridge....and she went into the trailer to read a book. I ended up alone in the dark after a bottle of red...(to myself,) a few VB's and a couple of JD cans looking at the stars...sensational. I fell asleep with my mouth open, god knows what sort of shit went on in there and didnt go to bed until a bull ant the size of your thumb had a crack at my big toe....all good but, I dig being out in the doghouse, especially when it is out here...

This morning we awoke and I said how sorry I was and she was the best person in the world, and all was good. Im pretty good at that through years of practice.

We went down to see the canoe man and grabbed a 3 seater for 2 hours. The boys sat in the middle and I took the rear, Nat in front. The pictures are decieving as it looks like Nat is doing all the work, this is not the case, all the horsepower was coming from the back end....

I will probably say this many more times, but this gorge is extremely nice. We went early and had the hole place to ourselves, we stopped along the way and climbed the hill to the lookout and had a feed with the spectacular views. Z Mann thought he was on top of the world and we got some good shots. Maverick is tough work when you need to carry him up rockfaces, I do it for safety in these circumstances and just get the shits when he wants it for no reason. To his credit, there was no complaining and we did the whole 2 hours easily. We went all the way up to where the rivers make their way into the gorge and I can never help myself in this type of clean water, I have to go for a swim, even if there was a freshwater croc that got spotted minutes before on a rock nearby. They wont hurt you I am told so I took a quick dip. This is definitely something to do if you are ever out here. We all thoroughly enjoyed it.

After a $42 rip off lunch at Adele's Grove...I can be a bit of a prick sometimes..we went back down to the canoe place and had a swim. The boys are a little apprehensive of river water because they can't see the bottom, so we eased them into it and by the end they were playing like in the pool at home, again I think the best part of today was the fact we could do everything together. I will remember this one, particularly if I get to sleep outside again.....

Will post photos later....


1 comment:

  1. Less of the "Domestic Bliss" and more of the
    country side - was LH National Park nice and clean to camp in ???.
