Saturday 5 May 2012

Blue Heeler Pub Stay

We awoke today to a magical sunrise which Nanna Mann said we needed to see… Gold.
Toast for brekky and we were then on our way westward to the Blue Heeler Roadhouse for our next stay.
Just before Winton is the Age of Dinosaurs’ exhibit and laboratory. We stopped in for a look because the boys were going bananas after they saw the sign. Once again their concentration span was limited and they managed to find some time to run amok. That aside we still managed to gain some great learnings on how fertile the Winton region is for dinosaur fossils, along with how they go about excavating, retrieving, transporting and preserving this stuff. Bloody brilliant and who would have thought digging up bones with dental picks in 40+ degree heat was appealing? Well I can tell you that these roosters love it and they were so pumped about it you almost wanted to go and give them a hand….I did say almost!!! Good stuff and well worth the entry fee.

A couple of hundred more clicks down the road we arrived at the Blue Heeler Pub at Kynuna, population 20. A powered site was the order of the day so the cheese and kisses could shower (and the three men...) The boys loved it, again making friends with the travellers in the campsite. We arrived with one other van in the park and by happy hour there were about 10 beside us.
This is an outback pub – fantastic. Some might think the outback is only categorised as such if it is on unsealed road, if this place isn’t then it is getting close…It amazes us that out here, in the middle of nowhere there are 2 (quite good looking) German backpackers and a girl from Bracken Ridge in Brisbane running the bar…Needless to say we settled in for a few white wines and schooners while picking their brains as to why they would want to be in outback QLD with the flies serving beers to passers through. After a few frothies the answer was simple, this is a great way of life…no stress out here, just smiling faces and hospitality.
The boys proved a hit with the girls behind the bar and were afforded a few free games of pool by Jess who dug them immensely. Road trains, blue heelers (literally) at the front entrance, free games of pool and getting to sit at the bar with the boys and have a beer (waters for them) was priceless for us. When they are old enough to realise how cool this was I think they will feel the same. We all had a ball and met some great people…..
We are not really sure what day it is, so although we are still talking about our work I think we are well on the way to forgetting about it …a dozen schooners helps you forget….

Mt Isa tomorrow…hopefully we can have as much fun….

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