Tuesday 15 May 2012

Kingfisher Camp

Today we made our way to Kingfisher Camp which is about 150klm's north from Lawn Hill. There were two options, around the long way on graded sealed road or up the 4WD only road. We opted for the 4WD route even though it takes the same amount of time because we wanted to have the "outback experience" as they put it. In saying that it was pretty timid, a few creek crossings up over the running boards and a little chunky in parts, I think a 2WD with clearance would make it although it would be hard going.

Plenty of gates for Nat to get out and open, and lots of red dust to go with it. The boys saw a couple of dingoes and plenty of cattle, so I guess from that point of view it was great.

We set up camp and settled down and then saw the bus we had seen in Karumba and Lawn Hill pull in. Zander went and said hello and the guy driving it then came over to introduce himself. I knew that I knew the bloke from somewhere, and when I asked he told me he used to do the weather on the Today Show.....it was Monte Dwyer. He is doing documentaries on outback Australia alone in an old 4WD bus with his big mug on the side and does books and DVD's in a series called Red in the Centre. This time around he is doing the impact the Grey Nomad Phenomenon has on the country and is visiting and talking to as many as he can, predominently in the caravan parks. He has been doing it for 5 years.

He took a real liking to the boys and we started a fire and had several beers with him and a single bloke he was travelling with called Matt. He had some funny stories on his time as a weather man with Steve & Tracey and still keeps in contact with them today. Bloody funny.

We threw some crab pots in for the boys also and hope to have some red claw in there tomorrow. I was told this place was beautiful but I am not so sure, better than staying at Hells Gate, that is for sure but without a boat you cant really see the surrounds and an overnight stay doesn't cut it. Definitely grassy and shady which is not that common out here.

A long hard day's driving, the boys didnt complain and they were great tonight also. Z is still making friends everywhere he goes and Maverick is not far behind him now and settling into the travelling thing. ... King Ash Bay tomorrow.


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