Saturday 21 July 2012

Last day at Ningaloo Station

Our last full day in gods country was a little windy, but it didn't deter us from relaxing and having a good time.

Zander bagged a flathead and a sizable longtong which he was wrapped about. I had a trevally on the line just after Mav decided he had enough of "fishing daddy" and he missed it, only small and I threw him back in but it would have been his first fish.... Oh well, Steep Point might be where he gets a beauty.

We saw a pod or school (not sure) of Dugongs today also, just outside the campsite which was cool. Plenty of swims and doing not much from us today.

Had a large fire to get rid of the wood as you need to take the ashes with you, and your fish offal, and your human waste, and your garbage..... basically to keep the place pristine for future people. No issues from us although you can tell there are a lot of knuckleheads that don't follow the rules which disappoints us.

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