Wednesday 4 July 2012

Broome - our second visit

Today we arrived back in Broome from Quondong for 2 days. We did this because it is Zander's Birthday and origin 3 is on tomorrow and we didn’t want to miss it……

This time around they put us on the worst possible site in the park, on a corner on the main exit. So much for loyalty coming back… Instantly I am cranky and begin to reverse the trailer in and everybody is into me trying to get out…now I am a little more cranky…..

Once I am in I want to get set up fast so we can take Z out for lunch and I fail to pull out the swing arm at the back of the trailer and bend something under there, what - I cannot see, but it is now a bit of a struggle to close, so you guessed it - more cranky.

Nat senses this and she tries to get going too and forgets to take the strap out of the roller, bending it as well….now I am just over it…

We get it done, readjust the poles and square up the tent, not too much harm done but after 50 odd times of putting it up since we got it you would think we’d know better.

Off to lunch at Maccas for Zander, he loves the playground and the ice cream so we looked after him and he had a great time. He is abusing his new DS game and playing with his dinosaurs flat out. It’s amazing how little you need to spend to put a smile on your children’s faces. Gold.

Wednesday came around and I tried to get the TV working so I could watch the origin – no good, it didn’t want to play the game, so I guess I have to go to the pub….

We took the boys down to the beach front park area and they played for an hour or two with some kids they befriended across the way from us on our first stint at Cable Beach, and that was good. We certainly have met some good people along the way, like-minded with kids the same age as ours. It is definitely not just a grey nomad thing, although they do outnumber everyone else.

Off to Divers Tavern with Zander for the Origin. I wasn’t sure he would last the whole game but in our favour, kick off was 6pm over here, so I thought we would be all good. I explained to him there is no way he can leave and that he has to stay the whole game because Mum won’t come and get us & Mav is asleep, plus I won’t be leaving under any circumstances….so he agreed and off we went.

We couldn’t have been further from Suncorp Stadium but this pub was packed wall to wall with a strong NSW flavour, my Maroons jersey was in the minority. We perched ourselves beside a couple of roofies from Gosford who started with the jokes but they really had nothing when you deliver the stats back at them. Chips and gravy, a couple of schooners with my boy (OJ’s for Z) and it was kick off….

8 minutes in he said it was too loud and wanted to leave and started to blow up so I had a quiet word to him and promised him an ice cream on the way home if he stayed and he was on board…..again a small amount for a smile…..

By the end of the first half he was standing on his stool yelling and screaming at the “Bluesers” and the double thumbs up/clapping for anything QLD did well. He soon got the idea, when the people in blue weren’t screaming that was his queue to, it was priceless and something I/we will never forget. The first full game he has watched attentively and it couldn’t have been any more intense, hopefully enough for him to want to wear a maroon jersey one day. He did ask to go to the toilet at 20 all just before Cronk’s field goal, but I said he had to hand on for a few minutes….Oh, and the ice cream shop wasn’t open on the way home, but I knew that and promised him one tomorrow. All good he said because the maroons won Daddy….

A good couple of days in Broome, but the reality is we have spent around 2 weeks in this region and we have had enough. Off to 80 mile beach tomorrow, everyone raves about it so let’s see how we go.


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