Thursday 28 June 2012

Middle Lagoon - Day 2


Woke up this morning and again this kid comes over and wants to run amok. I am tiring of this quickly because there is no direction from the parents.

Down to the beach again for a great day in the sun. Fishing again, playing soccer and beach tennis with the boys, and relaxing, beautiful.

It is a great spot for the kids to swim, is quite sheltered and the sand is nice. Good whiting on the other beaches late in the day and reasonable amenities, but only just. No dunny paper for 2 days, so remember to take it with you. Do make the trip, it is a gorgeous spot.

The ferals did annoy us again by just letting the kids (2 & 4 yr olds) just go off up the beach into the dunes out of sight alone, and then us trying to stop Z & Mav is bloody hard... they are very head strong like their Mum.. none of that comes from me!!

Strangely, the wife was quite nice, very sociable, and truthful in what they are doing on their holiday etc, the bloke just bullshitted us & everything we said he tried to outdo....Knob. Nat came to this conclusion last night after 30 seconds with him...

The best part of the day was when he started to puff his chest and take the family out on the canoe. They paddled around for about 10 minutes then came in, on the way he saw a wave & tried to get the canoe on it...(obviously because I was wading waist deep swimming with Z & he is a show off...)& then bugger me, he got sideways and tipped the whole family over, rods and all into the water!!!!! 

Priceless...while a small part of me was concerned for the little girl screaming her lungs out, it took all of my will not to break into laughter!!

I just looked out of the corner of my eye to see they were all OK so I just made if look like I didn't see...but I did and it was great!!!!! I'm not sure if he would have extended the same courtesy, but then again I wouldn't put my family in that position and would take them for a real paddle, not 10 minutes...

Off to Kooljamin at Cape Leveque tomorrow & looking forward to it, is another spot we have longed to get to. 


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