Wednesday 7 November 2012

Our favourites...

We have now been home for a couple of weeks and are settled into our house and back at work (well Jason is anyway!)  Our trip almost feels like a distant memory already!  But we never want to forget the adventure that we had as a family, the places we saw and the people we met.

Below is a summary of our trip so the boys can look back on the Mann-Venture:

Our favourite places:
Ningaloo Station
Steep Point
Lawn Hill
Cape Laveque
Ningaloo Station
Wineglass Bay
Cradle Mountain
Wilson's Promontory
Broome - and Zander's Restaurant.  He called it "his" restaurant
Uluru - "The biggest rock in the world!"

Best Sites
Katherine - Top Tourist Shady Lane
El Questro - Private camp
Quondong Point - Free camp
Ningaloo Station

Worst Sites
Coral Bay - could barely fit the camper in the site!
Denham - the worst park we stayed in!
Shelly Beach - very old and depressing!

Best Amenities
Top Tourist Shady Lane Katherine
Coffin Bay Caravan Park
Big 4 Hobart - we had our very own ensuite with a bath - Bliss!

Worst Amenities
King Ash Bay
Coral Bay

Funniest Moment
When the boys discovered the words "Penis" and "Vagina".  Hilarious!

Sadest Moment
Leaving Zander on the side of the road in the middle of the Pilbara because we were over his tantrums!

Crankiest Moment
Setting up camp at Kununurra.  Hence why we do not like that town very much!

Drunkest Moment 
Our day tour at McLaren Vale drinking wines for Jason's 40th Birthday.  We were drunk at the first winery!  Although Jason had a few others along the way!

Happiest Moment
When the boys thanked us for taking them on this trip.

Scariest Moment
Our trip across to Tasmania on the Spirit of Tasmania and watching Jason climb Ayres Rock and the Gloucester Tree.

Sickest Moment
When Mav and Nat threw up on the plane while flying over Kakadu.  Had not discovered travel sickness tablets yet!

Friday 12 October 2012

Summary numbers and stuff

We have been back at Mum & Dad's for 3 days now and all we have done is clean!! We stripped the trailer and car of everything, cleaned it all, then vacuumed and washed inside both also. Once dried, everything went back in...thanks Dad for your help.

We haven't even started washing the outside, and don't feel like there is a dent in anything yet. Throw in about 5 loads of stuff over to our house, disputes with the way the tenants left the house and dealing with a twit of a property manager, and we wish we were back on road....

At least I still subconsciously think I am on the road because I am still waving at everyone in the car and they must think I am a real weirdo. I should know by now that when back in town nobody gives a hoot about one and other, as is indicated by the stupid looks I get when I forget where I am and wave animatedly.

I have however found time to do some numbers on the trip and have shared for those interested below:-

Total days on road = 164 (not enough)
Total klms = 29,704
Average klms per day = 181
Total spend = $38,889
Average spend per day = $237
Average cost per klm = $1.31

High ticket items:-
Fuel = $8,179 or $49.87 per day
Tours & Souvenirs = $7,930 or $48.35 per day
Accommodation = $6,037 or $36.81 per day
Food = $5075 or $30.93 per day
Dining out = $2,229 or $13.59 per day
Food combined = $7,304 or $44.53 per day
Alcohol = $1,616 or $9.85 per day
Miscellaneous = $7,823 or $47.70

That's pretty much it in a nutshell, miscellaneous items are like washing, magazines, books, needed items from department stores, camping supplies, car and trailer servicing and repairs, coffees, ice creams etc.

We will sit down when we get back into our house and do a best and worst of post, funniest, happiest and saddest moments, & worst & favourite places.

It's hard to believe its over and we will soon be back at home and facing reality. I think the idea of coming home more than 2 weeks before we head back to work was a good one and we will need every day of it to move back in, settle down and have a holiday.....

We have also decided to keep the blog going for all of our future adventures so that the boys (& us for that matter) have something to look back at for a laugh. Thanks for tuning in, I apologise for our poor syntax, grammar and spelling at times but it was done hurriedly whilst on the road at any spare moment we could. So I don't really apologise......:)


Monday 8 October 2012

Homeward maybe?

Mixed emotions came over me this morning. Nat had a spring in her step because she could sniff home, as did Zander because he just wanted to tell Nanna & Grandad about the trip. Maverick just wanted to keep going to new campsites, & Dad wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but really was on the same page as Mav!!!

Whilst I wanted to get back to some routine & structure, (which was one of the motivating factors to go initially) I know I will want to get back into the trailer after a week or two at home. Perhaps I should just open it in the back yard permanently!!!!

In saying that my gut feel was that it will be good to get home and have a couple of weeks to get settled and have a break, but I certainly did have a sad face about me today.

We spent an hour or so looking around Coffs and went to the Big Banana for a smoothie before we set out in the direction of home. We had no commitments so Nat kindly assured me (after sensing my depressed state) that if we got to Yamba or Byron and wanted to stay we could, but I think I was in the minority today, the rest of the family was excited to get home.

North of Woolgoolga we had a call from some friends from our triathlon club (Darren & Jo) who are doing a similar trip to us next year after wanting to do it for years & maybe being inspired a little by ours. Coincidentally they were driving north from Port Macquarie and wanted to catch up for lunch at Woodburn, so we did.

It was great to see them all and to also see the excitement they are generating through their own planning phase of what to tow and where to go, along with the nervousness of the unknown living the gypsie lifestyle. They too have a similar holiday time period though their kids Zac & Emily are about 12 & 10 respectively. A little easier to manage because they can feed, dress & go to the toilet themselves! Given they are soon to embark on the journey & we are finishing ours both excited & saddened us a little - yet at the same time reaffirmed we are ready to get back to reality.

We passed Yamba without so much as a look sideways, as we did Byron, too close to home now and we just kept going. I rang Mum to let her know we were on our way, she was stoked and kindly asked Dad to move the caravan so I could barge my way back into their lives - & space!!!! Just quietly I think they are looking forward to seeing us.....

The boys were itching to get there, but I needed fuel, to pick up a high pressure water cleaner, and of course stop at Zarraffas for a coffee, so I drew the the holiday out as long as I could until we beeped the horn on arrival at about 3:30pm.

It was brilliant to see them, hugs all round after which Dad & I did our customary check over the trailer & car. He then said with a smile "Well Jase, they don't look like the sparkly things you took away!!" & they certainly don't that is for sure. This was compounded when we had it in for minor repairs at Cub in Sydney and I looked in the showroom at all the brand spankers. It's amazing what a road trip around all points of this country will do to your possessions.

We wound out for the last time on Dads driveway, brought a few things inside and sat down for a least until the boys wanted something. As always after a day of driving they had heaps of built up energy to expend plus there was the added excitement of Nanna & Grandads house with their toys, so they needed some attention.

Mum cooked us home made pasta and we had a couple of drinks, then Nat spent an hour trying to get the boys to sleep. I think we are in for struggle separating them when we move back home, and when I go back to work. I feel like I am going to miss them already so I imagine it will be harder for a 3 & 5 year old given we have been stuck together like poo to a blanket for all this time. Maverick will relate to that phrase given the 'undie-pooing when he was in cold water' period he had for 3 months while we were away.

The last thing I did tonight was get out all of my riding gear, pump up the tyres on my bullet proof Trek, charge the Garmin & fill the water bottles. This is one part of the arrival home I have looked forward to mostly & at first light tomorrow I will get back in the saddle.

There is a lot to do over the next couple of weeks in terms of cleaning and moving, we also have some things to do to the house before we move back in as well. The plan is to do it all by the end of next week so we can just have a full week at home settled before I return to work.  

In the next day we will assess the trip and put a summary on the blog for anyone interested in doing something similar. We will continue the blog indefinitely for all of our family trips so that in future years we can look back at our time together and have a good laugh.

Good to be home, but it's not really......but it is, if you know what I mean.


Sunday 7 October 2012

Where to now?

Options were endless today, Coffs Harbour to see Shayne & Vanessa, Yamba, Byron, Kingscliff, or home. We were in no hurry - so home soon became out of the question & we decided on Coffs.

Around 450klm north we arrived at Park Beach Holiday Park which we knew instantly (by its appearance) we would like it. When checking in the lady asked how many kids we had, after I said 2 - aged 5 & 3, she said did you say 1 & 2? I said I might have, & she said thats what she heard!!!! I appreciated it & told her that in 5.5 months this has never happened, we might have had sites where they didn't ask if we had kids, so I didn't tell them but never this. She knew it wasn't much but it made a difference, $20 is $20, and while we are not down and out our cash reserves aren't like they were at the start, it made more of a difference than she might have thought!!

Another record setup time in front of a dick of a man that just sat in his camp chair watching, probably thinking he wished he could set up as quickly as us and then taking his frustration out on his kids by swearing at them because he couldn't. We detest these types of people, after this long on the road they are certainly in the minority but there is no excuse to speak to your children like that, particularly when my boys are in earshot.

Off to Shayne's (Fabio) house. I used to drive with Shayne in Brisbane in the Archerfield days and have known him 16 years. We always have been good mates & remained in contact after his move home to Coffs. Every time we pass through we catch up.

A lot has changed in our lives over the past 6 years, I am married with 2 boys and he is engaged to Vanessa, with 2 boys Jodin & Kyzon, with Tylera the middle baby girl. A lot different than our single days as drivers in Bris Vegas....

We were welcomed into an extended family barbecue like we were close friends of the family, they certainly have a close nit family who are extremely nice. They convinced us to stay for dinner which was great. The kids happily played like they too knew each other for years, much to the amusement of the parents. Shayne, Vanessa & the kids surely do make a nice family. Shayne looks great and the happiest I have seen him after a lot has happened in his life in recent years.

After dinner we made it back to camp (Nat has been driving back home [camp] lots lately!!) Apparently I was asleep within seconds with the chocolate in my hand snoring like a king!! I only snore when I am extremely tired, or drunk, perhaps there might have been 2 contributing factors tonight!!!  Nat had to physically get the chocolate from my vice grip, so I missed out...

Really glad we stopped in here. We like the Rawsons immensely & they are always welcoming of us. Great to see you guys, see you soon.



Saturday 6 October 2012

Central Coast - Day 2

We actually had a sleep in until 7:20am this morning, the boys needed it as much as we did.

After brekky we decided to have a look around The Entrance, Terrigal & Gosford after we gave Woolworths some more of our money. Unfortunately the day went from a low 30's yesterday to a low 20's cloud covered/spitting day which wasn't great for photos, but having been here before we know how beautiful it is. The tour was mainly for the boys but they weren't that into it anyway.....they just wanted to go back and see the girls.

We hinted to Zander that we are not far from home and he said he is really looking forward to it, but Maverick just wants to keep going to new campsites.

After toasties back at camp for lunch, we arrived at Mick's about 2:30pm. The slippery slide was a non event due to the cold, so they just took off from where they left off last night....

Coffees with Ann Louise's macrons & cupcakes for afternoon tea left us 500g heavier, but happier, and we decided to go down to the local sports club for tea.

Nat went back to camp to shower and grab the boys jeans etc, while Mick & I were going to bath the boys with his youngest two girls in the 5 star hotel spa they have in their ensuite.

This was quite funny seeing all 4 of them in there splashing and having fun, making a huge mess but enjoying it immensely. The thought crossed our minds that 25-30 years ago when the lemon bombs were flying rampantly over the back fence onto neighbours roofs, we wouldn't have pictured my 2 boys and his 2 girls bathing together in a big bubble bath having a great old time....I was upstairs at the time but Mick said it got a little bit interesting when they all realised they had different bits and were showing them off to one and other!!!

A pleasant dinner at the club was had and the kids were well catered for with a large playground. We certainly do not do clubs in QLD like they do down here, they are like little cities. They have a large indoor 25m pool, multi million dollar gym facility & the public eating and gaming areas are huge. The food was great, as was the company but unfortunately we needed to get the boys into bed early tonight, so we returned home at around 7:30pm.

The intention as it always is, was to make sure we don't leave it this long to catch up next time & we hope we don't. The reality is that we are lucky to have such a strong bond after 30+ years of being mates and even if we don't catch up for another couple of years, that will never change. Thanks mate, it was great to catch up with you and the family, you are a lucky man to be surrounded by 4 amazing girls. Cheers guys.

Coffs Harbour to catch up with more friends tomorrow....



Friday 5 October 2012

Change of plans - Central Coast

After picking up the trailer from North Rocks and getting back to Camden, we enquired about availability and price in Katoomba. Limited availability and overpriced was the outcome, so we decided to head for Shelley's Beach near The Entrance, north of Gosford.

We picked this destination because my oldest friend Michael, his wife Ann Louise and 3 daughters Susanna, Elisabeth & Julia - all beautiful - live close by & we always stop in to say hi when we come through.

The original plan was for 1 night on Sunday, but forfeiting the Blue Mountains enabled us 2 and a better catch up. We arrived and made our way over there for dinner at about 5:30pm as there was wedges already in the oven awaiting.

It's always great to see the gang, Zander was only 6 months when we saw them last, Mick passed through Brisbane a couple of days after Mav was born, but the girls had never met him, and nor us Julia, so this was nice also.

Mick, being the consummate butcher cooked us a lamb barbeque which was complemented by Ann Louise's pastries. She has a flair for baking....just what we needed after this trip and now trying to drop kilos. So of course we said yes to any offerings.

The kids got on famously and spent the time playing with toys, watching DVD's & playing iPad games. It's amazing how well young kids bond so quickly, it was nice and gave us time to chat. Mick has always been a fish & reptile man so the kids had heaps to look at with fish, turtles, frogs, a spotted python snake which he kindly lens boys have a touch of.

It's like nothing has ever changed with Mick and I, we always laugh about the old things we did as kids like throwing Dad's wild lemons over the fence down the hill onto the roofs of neighbours we didn't like, riding bikes to school with flat tyres because it was cool, running last in all the cross country races preferring to go mud sliding and arriving at the finish line in trouble, and the afternoon we batted a whole afternoon against Michael Kasprowicz after he bounced and bruised out the top order in an intermediate cricket team...funny stuff.

The beers were disappearing quickly and the boys were getting restless after multiple late nights, so we decided to get going about 9:30pm with the idea of coming back tomorrow after Mick set up the slippery slide in the back yard, needless to say it was welcomed by the kids and was a good form of bribery to get them home to bed.

Strange how we call the trailer home now, because I certainly feel that way. Nat wouldn't admit to it but I think after a short time after being home she will miss the lifestyle we are now accustomed. I am missing it already, and we are no home yet....



Thursday 4 October 2012

Taronga Zoo

Today the sleep in didn't happen. The boys slept together in their queen size bed so when one even moves around 5:30am, the other is awake. We then had them, and every known life size soft toy resembling the animal kingdom with us in the other bed soon after. This was cool and they do like it here. So much so that yesterday afternoon Maverick said to me "Daddy, thank you very much for bringing us here!!" Great stuff from the little Mann.

We were up for a while and had brekky with Debbie given Jamie had left at 5am. The time flew and before we knew it we were struggling to find a carpark at the train station & stressing we were going to miss it!!

Luckily we found one and made it in time where we made our way to Circular Quay and the ferry to the zoo. We initially thought to drive but we would have missed the opportunity to see the Opera House and Harbour Bridge on a clear day from on a boat on the water. The boys just loved it - as did we seeing them with those golden smiles again.

I can't say we miss crowds - Nat in particular doesn't like them, particularly the pushiness. School holidays and just densely populated areas is far from where we have been in recent times, so I guess it is a good curtain raiser for our return into reality.

The zoo was great as it always is. We avoided the Australian area given we have seen every native animal in the country on our trip, and focused on the others. It became evident that the boys seem to be getting a little over seeing new things every day because a couple of times they said "OK Daddy, let's see the next thing" without really embracing what they were looking at & portraying a bit of a 'ho-hum' attitude.  A good sign that 5.5 months on road will be the right duration. Just quietly I think Mum & Dad feel the same.....

Mav kept banging on about seeing kangaroos which was weird given we saw thousands in the wild. We convinced him that he had seen enough of them on the trip and continued around the international animals as it was 30 degrees and he was getting antsy.

After the short journey back to Circular Quay, we met some more close friends of ours (Steve, Sue & their son Oliver) whom we also met through the Illawarra Triathlon Club. We had iced coffee & milkshakes (beers for the dudes with hairy chests) at a local place near the Quay. As another example of how lucky we are to have friends like this, they are all travelling to Kona tomorrow morning, (as Steve is competing in the Hawaii IronMan) and they made sure they made an hour an a half of their precious time to catch a bus into Sydney City to see us. It was not long enough, but great all the same to see them and we wish Steve luck for next week. All the best mate, we will be watching and supporting & we will catch up soon to celebrate your finish.

On the train back to Jamie & Debbie's, Mav was sleep within 3 minutes and didn't wake until Campbelltown Station. The drive is about 20 minutes after disembarking and after getting back we found ourselves in the pool with the kids, then drinking Corona with some random Brie cheese we picked up in Tassie waiting for Debbie's famous lasagne to cook. The cheese was beautiful as was the lasagne, and we again had a few beers to finish the night. A nice stay here and we thank you guys heaps for taking us in.

Tomorrow we will head to the Blue Mountains with 3 more stops until home.


Wednesday 3 October 2012

Hello Sydney

At dinner last night Jake & I arranged to go for a run this morning along the northern beaches. This was great on another postcard perfect day running with a good mate. I got the impression however that my pace was a bit of a stroll for him given my words were a little more puffed than his. Knowing Jake he would have made the effort to come along & forgo his hill repeats up Mt Keira because he doesn't get to see us much and basically because he is one of the most genuine blokes I have ever met. Good on you mate, it was great to see you.

Northward to Sydney and once again we have some friends insisting on us staying there, Jamie and Debbie. I worked with Debbie while in Wollongong and the families became good friends, and let's just say Jamie & I get on like a house on fire. So Camden it was in their beautiful home with the solar heated pool which the boys were going to hate!!!!

The guys were at work so the keys were left out and I dropped Nat & the boys off while I took the trailer into Cub Head Office for some warranty repairs. 3 hrs later I arrived back and was able to enjoy some of the benefits of the pool & a 29 degree day.

Jamie arrived home at 3:30pm and much to my liking has recently taken up cycling and by chance had a spare push bike he had kindly put flat pedals on so that we could go for a ride. We managed 30klm and it reinforced the fact I have a lot of work to do before Melbourne Ironman. It was great to get out & in reality the first time I had ridden in 175 days so I guess poor form is to be expected.

Debbie arranged and cooked a nice barbecue dinner and we enjoyed a few drinks while talking about each others kids and how much they have grown, along with the old funny days we had in Wollongong. Once again catching up with friends (and meeting many more along the way) has created so many good times that won't be forgotten in a hurry.

The boys were in heaven again with a dedicated toy & TV room so they were easily occupied while we chatted, and for the 3rd night in a row the boys had a late one.

We plan to do Taronga Zoo tomorrow and walk around town, so hopefully we can manage a sleep in and the boys can catch up on some sleep. I imagine we should sleep well either way as the beds are super comfortable. 



Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Gong - this is what we miss....

Another amazing blue sky day today, so first up we each went for a run along North Beach while the other watched the boys. This is quite simply a great place to train and brought back memories of the many miles we did up and down here on foot or bicycle. A great way to start the day....

We had big plans of showing the boys around town but firstly I had to take them to the pool for a swim as previously promised, and play soccer by the trailer using the Prado as a back board.

Soon after we were in the car and the destinations we made it to or drove by were :- the City Centre for haircuts, Wollongong Hospital where Z Mann was born, Chikkos for lunch to satisfy Natalie's addiction to the chicken rolls made in heaven she stapled on when we lived here, Daddy's old work, our old house where we lived, Lake Illawarra which we used to run, ride & walk around each day, Shellharbour Beach, Black Beach, coffee at Stu's Corner Cafe, a drive past the steel works, Win Stadium, North Beach, Belmore Basin, Flagstaff Hill & then to finish, an hour at the massive playground at Towradgi Beach.

The boys had a great time, Zander in particular so we were glad we did it. He couldn't understand why we left the place where he was born & on a negative note he kept saying "I was born in Dragon country Daddy and I love the dragons"......I guess that I live in hope that he grows out of that craziness.

Once again we made dinner plans again with great friends Jacob & Ashley whom we met originally through the triathlon club, and have remained close since. It was great to catch up and we had plenty to talk about given their recent engagement announcement and our journey around the country. The restaurant was directly across the road from the park where we are staying so we walked over and Nat was able to get on the wines again.

The boys were well catered for with a big playground, fish tanks and arcade games which gave us time to chat and as an added bonus kids eat free and ice cream on Tuesday nights so they (and us) couldn't be happier. It was also great for Jake & Ash to see the boys given they have grown so much since they last saw them.  It was a good few hours & we love their company.

After a short stumble home it was two late nights in a row, and surprisingly the boys have been quite good today. Tomorrow will be the test....


Monday 1 October 2012

Off to the Gong

This morning was a picture perfect cloudless day at one degree celsius when we started to load up and get moving. On the road by 8:30am we had visions of going up the coast road to the Gong rather than via Canberra given when we lived here Nat used to rep the area and I personally never made it past Sussex Inlet. It was to be a longer journey, but the scenery much more enjoyable.

The weather continued eastward and we lunched at Narooma - which is postcard worthy due to the blueness of the water. It resembled the colour of Ningaloo Station which is a big call and we could have been eating our staple ham/cheese/tomato sangas in worse places, that is for sure.

Northward through places such as Mogo, Mollymook, Batemans Bay & Ulladulla, the descriptions Nat had always given me turned into reality and it really was a nice drive.

We hit Nowra and unfortunately all of the Sydney traffic heading north after the long weekend. What normally would be 45mins to the Gong took us 2.5hrs. Needless to say the patience was wearing thin.

The caravan park of choice was Leisurecoast Holiday Park, which was reasonably priced and our site right on the beach. Good amenities with baths for the boys, 2 x complimentary coffees, hire bikes, playground & a heated 25m pool. The parks just keep getting better. We set up in record time to the amazement of the tenters either side of us, and jumped straight back in the car!!!!

We had made plans with good friends of ours Paul & Allison & their 3 boys Tristin, Marcus & Phoenix to have dinner at their place but the delay made us quite late. Always a guaranteed great feed at Allison's so we were looking forward to getting our fix....and she didn't disappoint as always....just quietly I think she loves to look after us because we are so complimentary of her cooking and she digs that I don't hold back on volumetric ingestion.

The boys had a great time playing with the other boys and enjoyed it immensely due to the copious amounts of toys that are accumulated with 3 sons over the years.

We expected there to be drama when we decided to go but there were none, they really are starting to "get it" now and this pleases us greatly. 9:30pm exit normally means feral times tomorrow, we will have to wait and see...





Sunday 30 September 2012

Thredbo - Skiing with kids?

Today we thought given the boys were going OK, being the experienced skiers we are that we could teach them some more. That was a mistake.

Not only do they take guidance better from the instructors, in reality we are hard pressed staying upright let alone try and teach others how to do it....

Zander was doing nothing Mum was asking and actually being a nasty little bugger because he thought he knew it all, & Mav just isn't into it and just wanted to ride the magic carpet up, but not learn how to stop coming down...., it was more fun pole axing Dad instead.

We decided that we would take turns skiing ourself and the other watch the boys. Mav was tired and wanted to go back to the room so Mum went with them while I honed my skills some more on the "easy goes it" slope. After about 5-6 runs I was confident I could do the intermediate slopes so I went back with some lunch for the team and switched with Nat.

When Nat got back I got Zander into his gear to go for a ski, Nat organised Mav to go for a bus ride into the village, and we parted ways again.

I thought Z was good enough to go on the chairlift with my support and we could go easy down the slope a few times which we did. To my surprise he did a lot better than I thought!!!

The first two times I had him between my legs but realised he was just along for the ride, the 3rd time I told him he was on his own and I would go beside him. 3 falls after on the first run he had his confidence and by he 10th time off the chairlift he was 50m down the hill before I even was ready. I was so pleased and wish we had longer to stay.

He had enough and asked to go back to the room so I took him back to Mum who subsequently heard all about it!!!

The ice was melting hard now and it was quite warm out, so I said to Nat I was going up the top. She gave me that "are you sure you know what you are doing" look, and the truth was I didn't but went anyway.

I thought the lift would only go up half way for intermediate, but no, all the way to the top it went. This was magical in itself in terms of views, but nerve racking at the same time given I had to get down somehow and maybe Nat was right.

Up the top it all made sense, different runs for different abilities. I took the easy runs and even those were bloody steep. I went over numerous times and looked like a real gumby, but started to get the hang of it in the end. At one time there was an instructor taking about 5 people down fully controlled with confidence building tips and support along the way, I managed to ski straight through the middle of them, about 70% in control and lost it going ass up in front of them face in the snow. Nobody laughed (I would have) & the instructor just said "well that was a good one wasn't it?" I said I didn't do things in halves.....

I just traversed as best I could down the hill & at times was going too fast to think what to do, but managed OK & came away unscathed. Good skiers really make it look easy and I feel that next time I will go the snowboard because when each leg wants to go a different direction on the skis you not only look like a knob but don't go anywhere either. On a board I think it would be easier to control once you got the hang of it, easier to get up, easier to carry around, the boots are more nimble and lighter, plus it is cooler!!!

It was fun, but exhausting and I am glad I went up because the lifts close tomorrow for that part of the mountain. It was brilliant up there and there certainly is a massive jump between the beginners slope to the intermediate, but that's the best way to learn. It is another world up there, it's own bar and bistro, seated area etc, so for people that know what they are doing, wouldn't need to see a beginner all day and just go straight to the top. That will be us next time!!

I wanted to make sure I was back in time for the footy. In reality I was stuffed given I made hard work out of what should have been easier, so I came back down & we returned all the hire gear.

Upstairs in the restaurant we watched the footy and the right team won which was great, and again we found ourselves yawning by 7:30pm. I managed 60 minutes while the others were in slumberland and joined them soon after.

A great few days, blessed with actual snowing, good weather and some memories we will never forget. Off to the Gong tomorrow to catch up with some old friends.



Saturday 29 September 2012

Thredbo - real snow falling from the sky

This morning when Nat opened the curtains it was snowing. A real treat for us as we have never seen it actually falling before. The boys were just amazed and had to ring Nanna & Grandad to tell them straightaway. Before we knew it the boys & I were out there throwing snowballs at one other having a ball and looking like true Queensland tourists taking photos of it all!!!

Great stuff that makes the few extra dollars spent well worthwhile. There is an analogy I like that says "pain is temporary - memories are forever" the same sometimes applies to spending money and we truly believe it today, plus we haven't even fallen on our asses on the slopes yet...

What a mission to get the boys ready. It was like central station in the locker room, nowhere to sit and get ready, we couldn't get Mav's boots on, we couldn't find poles, the floor was wet (we thought it would be a good idea to wear our socks down rather than take shoes and leave them there) Nat was getting impatient, the boys were getting antsy & Dad was trying to keep a smile on.....we got there in the end.

When dropping the boys off at Thredboland, Mav started to cry, we knew that would happen,  Zander just took off and was all good but uncharacteristically today, not Mav.

There are little holes you can look through to see them after they go in, he spotted me and blew up again. I looked at Nat who was 3 quarters of the way out the door with a frown saying "Come on!!" as if to say "don't worry about him, he'll be fine in 5 minutes, we have a day to ourselves so pull your head in!!" I think she has done this 'dropping the kids at school' thing before !!!

Out at the lesson, whilst we have only ski'd once before, it did come back easily enough. We were able to remember how to stop and turn then ski'd until basically 2pm (after a short break for lunch) I won the day for most time spent with bum in the snow - about 10, Nat didn't go over once but my excuse was that I could crawl quicker than she was skiing!!!!

We had a great day together without the little terrors which was brilliant, finishing with a few beers and the first half of the AFL Grand Final in the pub before we picked the boys up.

During the day we saw the boys come out and do their lessons. They are so cute on the snow, all given little Thredboland singlets to signify them as that group which was cool. They don't allow poles, and like us are shown how to stop and turn which was great. At the top of the "magic carpet" lift, I saw them as I was coming down the hill, Zander was all thumbs up to Daddy as he forgot to stop and ploughed straight into the instructor, but when Mav eyeballed me he started to blow up. "Good one Daddy" Nat said at the bottom as she waited for me. She'd seen them too but didn't let them see her on the way down, whereas I stopped of course to take photos and Mav got upset and wanted Daddy.

Nat made a good point in that we have been living in a confined area with them for 5 months & particularly with Mav, she thinks the separation thing might continue for a little while when we get home. Zander has also mentioned a couple of times he will be sad when Daddy goes back to work every day and he won't get to see me. I am sure they will get over it pretty quickly.

We were blessed with continual snow throughout the day, not only does it look spectacular when it settles upon everything, it makes the skiing thing that little more special. At one stage on the lift going up it was teaming down, (if that is the snow term) and by the time we got to the top we were both covered in snow, which was cold but cool. I subsequently went ass up coming off the chairlift much to Nat's amusement. Legendary stuff from the big Mann.

We were a little sore and sorry by the time we picked up the boys so we went back and watched the end of the footy, Funniest Home Videos & by 7:45pm we were all asleep with the lights out and our mouths open.....

In summary it was a terrific day & we have one more tomorrow.




Friday 28 September 2012

Headed for the snow

This morning was comparative to the winds we experienced on the drive from Geelong to Melbourne - simply crazy. In our favour we had hitched up and packed everything away last night which meant we just needed to get changed, put the boys in the car and wind in. We were always going to have something to eat on the move and found ourselves driving out of camp at 6:15am.

After an overpriced breakfast at Maccas we made our way down the Monaro highway toward Cooma. The debris on the road was concerning and at one point we had to get out and move a massive tree from the road as it had fallen across both lanes.

We arrived in Cooma, fuelled up and grabbed some alcohol for Grand Final weekend. Whilst at the service station there was a bus full of school kids and they were all limping around with hands bracing the lower back areas. I couldn't help myself and asked who looked to be the teacher what was going on...."school ski trip and they are all beginners" with a massive smile like he had achieved what he set out to do!!! I asked where they were from and it turned out a private college from Ipswich. We thought that was fantastic that the students were able to do that through the school platform & it gives the parents a break not to mention a week's less annual leave needed to take off work. We chatted for a while and pushed on to Thredbo.

As we ascended I started to rain extremely heavily. We stopped at the ranger station and paid $82 just to drive the car in and park it for 3 days!!! It's not even a NSW one, just Kosciuszko. I asked why it was so expensive and she said it was because the park was the size of Switzerland. I politely said I understood she doesn't determine the price but we had been all over the country for the last 5 months and paid every state entry parks pass & it wouldn't total $150.....& Australia is slightly larger than Switzerland....she gets it every day apparently.

We found our room which was literally only 200m from the chair lifts and perfectly positioned with a bridge directly there. We made our way down to the hire section and got all of our kits sorted out. The package included "kids ski for free" which we didn't realise, & was the case with us also, is just skis and boots so we had to hire jackets, pants & helmets also. $634 later we were sorted and carrying this stuff back to the room.  This is not a cheap exercise.

Back at the room I was thinking we don't have goggles or gloves & Nat was thinking the same. When we went to NZ we borrowed friends and didn't have the worry, it's not something we though about before we left for this trip...nor would we have had the room anyway.

Back down to the shop again and $384 later we had goggles & gloves. At least we have them now I guess. I did knock her down easily enough given it was the last couple of days of the season and I looked like a big gumby she probably thought least until she might see my skiing ability then she would know for sure!!!

Across to the school centre to arrange a freshen up lesson for Nat & I and something for the boys to start learning. They have a place called Thredboland which is basically a big day care centre that incorporates ski lessons throughout the day & and everything is based around skiing and the snow. Brilliant, I will have one of those please, and two lessons for Mum & Dad. $310 later I am back in the room extremely satisfied with myself that in a short 90 minutes we were $1410 poorer!!! It's all good though, we don't do it often and it will compliment our adventure we are sure.

It was getting mid to late afternoon so we decided not to go out on the snow until tomorrow at which time Nat came up with the thought, with a wry smile at me and said " babe, we could have just hired for 2 days instead of 3 because we wont be skiing Monday...."

I said well I guess I need a beer because that's bloody right darling!!!

You have to smile and along with many things on our journey, we are much the wiser for many things we have learnt through the only way to making the mistakes yourself!!

Comfortable in a hotel room for 3 nights, we will eat in, watch some telly and have an early night in anticipation of smashing the slopes tomorrow.....


Thursday 27 September 2012

Lakes Entrance - slowing down

We now find ourself not as motivated to get out and do everything on offer in the places we are going to. I think we would just like to stop somewhere on the way home where we have been, and just relax for a week. We will go into town and venture around a bit, but the plethora of cruises and activities on offer just seem too hard today.

The forecast today was for a balmy 26 degrees. It certainly got warm enough although there was plenty of cloud cover. The boys scoffed their breakfast so they could go straight to the playground (15m in front of us) in their pyjamas.

Mum did some more washing and by 9am Maverick had turned feral, wouldn't walk from the playground to the trailer and just sulked continually if anyone looked at him.

We started a game of cricket with the kids next door, (at which time Mav wanted to lie down on the pitch) & after that Dad & Z went down to the beach to kick the soccer all and make very average sand castles. This didn't go down well with Mav...

10am came quickly and the boys tested their painting abilities on the plaster casts the park gave to all of the kids. Zander had a pirate, Mav a formula one car. Let's just say, like their parents, they have the creative genes of a fence post. But they will tell you they are works of art of course....

Into town after lunch and the boys eyed an ice cream shop, so we indulged because we haven't done much indulging, no cheeses, pastries or chocolates along the way.....

After this we went down to the beach and the boys managed to get down to their undies for an unplanned swim in 14 degree waters. A short walk along the esplanade with a coffee and most of the day was gone. Back at camp we bribed the boys with a Maccas breakfast of English Muffins if they get up early and wait in the car while we pack up so that we can head to the snow early and be up at Thredbo by lunchtime. They didn't need much convincing.

The runs are becoming a bit more consistent now, as are Nats walk so we managed another one this afternoon and we will get the boys into bed nice and early because they have been absolute pains in the ass today, all because they went to bed 90 minutes later than the normal routine.

The tenants are vacating the house is weekend so we think we might come home a little earlier around mid October. This will put us on the road for 5.5 months and give us 2 and a bit weeks to move back in and have a holiday before work!!!

Bring on the skiing.




Wednesday 26 September 2012

Lakes Entrance

After travelling north east 250klms we arrived at Lakes Entrance after a pre-booked site was arranged at Eastern Beach Holiday Park.

What a great caravan park. I have been critical of them historically based on the populations within them and I don't feel it is real camping, additionally that I want time with the family without distractions from other kids. I have come to appreciate them more now because after travelling 5 months today in a tent on wheels with them, bring on the distractions!!

Tonight is free movie night (The Lorax) open air in the playground with $2 popcorn, tomorrow they have free plaster cast painting and there is a whiz bang jumping pillow also, all coupled with being positioned right on the beach. It really is a well run and kid focused park and gets a big tick from us.

We basically let the boys go bananas this afternoon, and watched them play from the comfort of our camp chairs directly in front of them. Nat did her 30 minute walk & I snuck in another 7k run so it was a good day.

The movie was great and it warms us to see the boys laughing so hard in unison at the screen. I am not convinced Mav knows entirely what is going on but if big bro laughs, it must be funny. Popcorn bags, in our beanies outside watching a movie, very cool.

Now we wait for the inevitability of how an 8:30pm bed time for Maverick will turn him into a monster tomorrow.



Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tidal River - Wilsons Promontory

We left Phillip Island today, (the boys reluctantly as per usual on school holidays when they have made all new "besties") bound for Wilson's Promontory, or Squeaky Beach in particular. We camped in the Tidal River National Park, which Nat has decided now we are nearing the end of our adventure that they are her favourite places to stay, shortly followed by stations, then caravan parks & lastly the bush. I think its fair to say they offer a bush feel with basic amenities, and the kids have more activities to do. In my opinion the list would be the same with the bush in first position. This is a beautiful park, and it is a clear warm day which helps.

As a kid I remember Squeaky Beach being just that - squeaky due to the quartz in the sand. Yet today upon venturing down there, the squeak seemed to be all squeaked out!!! The boys had a great time running up and down the sand dunes, climbing rocks and walking up and down the water cut-ins. Mum & Dad had an hour sitting on the sand & it was a great way to relax.

We only have one night here unfortunately, we would have liked more & this is a result of a little poor research on my part, & that we are booked into Thredbo Friday night. I had visions of getting family pics at the Westernmost, Southermost & Easternmost points of Oz on this trip, and the Northernmost next year. I remember being told by my aunty that Wilson's Promontory was the southernmost point, which it is, only Squeaky Beach is not, South Point is but it is a 12 hr return walk from the furtherest point of unsealed road south of Tidal River.  An overnight trek, so my vision was cut short when I looked closely at the map while in Tazzie and investigating the possibility of trekking there. It wont be happening with the boys at this age, but it definitely gives motivation to come back when they are old enough to brave the elements and Mav learns how to walk rather than being carried everywhere.

Back at camp the boys joined a cricket match, we kicked the balls around and met a nice group of people from Melbourne with kids. We have met so many great people on the trip  & this has complimented the journey very well.

Onward to Lakes Entrance tomorrow....



Monday 24 September 2012

Phillip Island

Feeling refreshed after a calm trip across Bass Strait, we made our way to Philip Island. It rained most of the way and we arrived at 8:30am, too early to check in so we spent some money at Woolworths and then drove around the island for a look.

After stops at the chocolate factory & visitor centre, we arrived at the Big 4 by 10:30 and were set up by 11. Much to do here for the boys with a jumping pillow, games room & 64,000 kids on school holidays. Whilst the boys are great and have come a long way on the trip, when other kids are brought into the mix they just do NOT listen to us, and no amount of privilege withdrawal matters to them, because they have friends...

Zander has been testing us big time in recent weeks with sulking again, turning up the volume when he knows it irritates us most. It seems like one regression after another with that boy, but I guess parenting is (as we may have said before), a labor of love even when you do want to ring his neck. Maverick is now at the age where he sees all of this going on & is trying to start the same antics on us....... bloody excellent....

That aside we managed some kicking of the footy and we let them play the iPad & DS just to give us some time to relax. Nat went for a walk & I nudged out my 1st 10k run in a year or so which was good. The reality is that these small amounts of time (run/walk) is all we have to be alone while travelling & is my excuse for my slow run pace & Nat's for her extended walk time.

Whilst at the visitor centre we arranged a family pass to the Penguin Parade at dusk.

I can tell you that it is nothing like what I remember as a kid, & it was not enjoyable. It is purely a commercialised money spinner. Yes you get to see penguins but you are fighting 2000 others, (& its not peak season.... & only in one of the viewing areas.) The seated areas were wet from rain which is OK, but the concreter must have been drunk when he boxed up because he made the fall the wrong way and effectively our feet were in ankle deep water.

With that many people, some become pushy & disregard the rules. There were people of a certain decent that just infuriated me.

We are all told to remain seated, in every language, so that we can all see......several times. We are also told no photographic or recording devices allowed...several times....

If you are deaf, the above is also signed to the point of nausea.

These people in question, as soon as the birds came in, stood up (splashing water over everybody) yelling and carrying on like they had never seen an animal before, impeding everyone else's view with total disregard. The rangers asked them to sit and explained why, then after they left...straight up again!!! We didn't see anything from the viewing area as a result.

On the boardwalk (where you can get up close) was better, however a similar thing happened up there. Flash photography going bananas, scaring the birds, digital recorders everywhere & at one stage I was showing the boys a couple of birds and one literally grabbed my arm and started pushing me out of the way.

Let's just say I gave it to her in a polite way given the boys were there & I don't think she even understood or cared. The boys got to see multiple penguins in the end, so no harm done but Mum & Dad were just appalled at how many people they let in, and how some of these people conduct themselves. They should regulate it to 2-300 maximum to ensure a nice experience. It's still $15,000+ per day 365 days a year.... At a guess I would be surprised if less than 80% were disgruntled.

We wouldn't do it again & its not the experience we had in mind for the boys.

Today however, we were going to the GP Circuit for the tour and some Go Kart Racing. The boys hate cars and competitiveness so we thought we may not be on the right wicket, but it seems not, this is a brilliant day out!!!

Firstly we arrived and paid for the tour which included the museum. We wandered through there and as always, the boys don't appreciate "the old stuff" but here was some interesting stuff in there coupled with some great shots of 2 & 4 wheeled champions on the track, along with the vehicles that got them there.

We then moved down to the karts where unfortunately Mav was too young, but Zander & I jumped in a dual and had a blast. The track is an exact replica of the circuit -1/5 of the size & It was wet so we had plenty of sideways action.  Dads extra spare tyre helped us on the downslopes too.... Zander had his own steering wheel & he actually thought he was steering which was so cool & I had to let him continue to think it was the case. I would have paid double if I knew I would see that beaming smile.

They have the longest slot car track in Australia there also, which is another circuit replica so the four of us had a race on it. This was fun and great that we could all do it together. Zander won, Mav second, Mum third & Dad last. This had nothing to do with the fact I was picking up everyone else's cars when they spun off the track after going too hard into the corners....

The tour began at 2pm, and was really good. Even Nat said on the way home she loved it & I can tell you she is no petrol head.

They take you up to race control where you get a lesson on everything that happens inside the nerve centre, which is more than you might think. You can take shots of the track & luckily the Ducati Owners Club of Victoria were racing today so we got some great footage. $15,000 to hire the circuit for the day & he told us the story about the Maserati Owners Club from SA that come there often. There are only 4 in the club, so they invite their mates with Lamborghinis & Ferraris to round it out at 10 competitors with a street value of $7m in cars. They chopper in and out, the cars get trucked there and back, then i'd reckon they probably go back to sipping their skinny goats milk lattes!!!! Funny stuff.

We explored the pits, the corporate suites, and got to stand on the podium.

You don't have to love motor racing to enjoy this place, I would recommend the tour to anyone.

Jumping pillow, games room & early night tonight, off to Squeaky Beach tomorrow in Wilsons Promontory. I hope this is the same as I remember it as a boy.......
