Friday 5 July 2013

Sensational day of nothing.....

The tide was in mid morning so we made the most of it. The beach took on a totally different complexion with the water in so close and only sand being exposed. The difference in pictures tell the story.

We managed to swim and do everything we have blogged already when it comes to time at the beach which again, is bloody great. Mavvy is tanning up well and even Zander, whilst his skin is awfully dry, is looking like he is browning well too. Mum is very particular about sunscreen but at the end of the day, when you are in it as much as we have been, the skin just starts to brown as a natural barrier to the sun. We are all looking very tanned and relaxed I must admit.

The day really didn't bring any accomplishments other than the above and a few games of UNO & Zander's new puzzles for his birthday. Kookaburras found some old steak bones from somewhere and 3 of them decided to try and pick any meat left on them right beside us as we waved from our camp chairs, which was cool. Add to that the scrub turkeys and goannas getting around and this sort of stuff is priceless for the boy's awareness of native animals and the bush in general. 

These are the days that make it. You feel like you are on holidays.


Jase & Nat....

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