Wednesday 3 July 2013

Ocean Rafting Safariiiiiiii......

Today was Z Mann's birthday and we had a big day booked. We awoke and of  course did presents in bed before light outside (just small gifts because we have a fish tank at home for him) and then started to get moving for the bus pickup. I'd arranged for some parts for the trailer to be sent here under warranty and checked at reception to no avail, while the boys just rode around the park meeting new kids and generally being pains in the ass to whomever had to deal with them....

The bus arrived at 9 or so and we were greeted by a Maori dude called Will about 50 years old. He was pretty cool but the way he spoke just got the better of me after a full day on a boat listening to his exasperated endings to sentences. As an example....." Hey guyyyyyys, are you ready for a big dayyyyyyyyyy, on the boat raftingggggggggg, we gonna have some foooooood, and smash some waaaaaves, and go to paradiiiiiiiiiise, for some down tiiiiiiiiime you gonna luvvvvvvvvv ittttttttt........

Bloody annoying.

Anyway, we set out and got the front seat which in hindsight was the most fun but the most uncomfortable also. First stop was snorkelling for an hour just at the northern tip of Whitsunday Island. The water was cool at 22 degrees but we all managed to get in and give it a go. First real time for the boys and they had their little wetsuits which was pretty cute. Whilst Zander was much better than at Exmouth, Mav didn't really get it so we tried, and I think they would have persisted but they just got too cold and wanted back on the boat. Nat & I just swapped watching them and got to have a good look around. The water was a bit murky but all in all pretty good. Some good underwater shots and a good way to spend some time.

Next stop was Whitehaven Beach, and let me say it looks just like it does in the pictures. We had a magic day with no clouds in the sky and low tide on arrival so we got to see all of the white sand. A short walk to the lookout allowed us some great shots and then a little schooling from Will on the sand. It is 98.9% pure silica sand which means it doesn't get hot in the sun. In fact the sand was quite cool under foot. It is the best quality sand to make glass anywhere in the world which is why the yanks wanted to mine it. In fact the sand taken from here was used to make the Hubble Telescope because of its pure silica content.

After this we went to a sheltered part of the 7klm beach and had a buffet lunch. It wasn't the greatest, stale bread rolls and basically a bit of cold meat and salad thrown together, but it didn't matter, we were in paradiiiiiiise......

Will took the boys to see some goannas and I got to just laze in the sun - perfect.......

On the way back to Airlie the wind came up and it was an enjoyable but bumpy ride. Zander got a bit scared for a bit so they just decided to go to sleep. How, I am not sure, we were smashing thorough waves and getting airborne constantly without so much as a movement from the boys. We had to brace their heads so that they didn't get any whiplash!!!

Back on terrafirma and Z wanted Maccas for tea. Not sure why as we have that once a fortnight at home, but that's what he wanted so we did it. A woolies sponge cake finished the night with a happy birthday singalong from us all, and that finished off what was a pretty big day by anyone's standard.

Off to Cape Hillsborough tomorrow which should be nice as it is National Park action....which is gold....

Jase & Nat.....


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