Monday 8 July 2013

The drive home...

We got away at 6:25am this morning and whilst it was light, it wasn't broad daylight.

The boys were excited to go over the sand tracks again so we wound down the windows and bounced around again for an hour, which they loved!!! I think they really do enjoy the outdoors now although you wouldn't know it because it all seems so normal for them now. And that is how we wanted it......

Rocky for breakfast as promised, then on to Gin Gin for lunch & Eumundi for afternoon tea and then on to home by 6pm thanks to the slowing from roadworks all the way down.  The boys were quite good considering the mileage and the crap food we put down their throats. A big day for two youngsters without much complaint from them.

We both look forward to getting back to the structure of daily life, particularly the type of food consumption and exercising etc. Whilst its good to bend the rules for a while, it seems that we are more disciplined when we have our normal daily lives governing our bad habits....

Nat's back to a work, while I start a new role at Border Express. With our new financial goals and our commitment in doing things we say we will, who knows where we will be in 10 years.

Cape trip done. We have now done close to 40,000 klms from top to bottom & side to side around this magic country. Not a bad effort we reckon!!!!

If you get an opportunity, get off your arses and do it, you won't regret it.

Jase & Nat.


Sunday 7 July 2013

Perhaps the last day.....

This morning we woke to a low level fog & cloud covered sky. After breakfast the boys decided to try and ride their bikes on sand, so they went as high as they could on the grassy stuff and went hell for leather down the slope and into the soft sand. They came off as much as they stayed upright but all good fun in the end.

Last night until midnight I managed to burn the firewood in its entirety because we are thinking about heading home and bypassing 1770 tomorrow morning. This will give us an additional 2 days to get sorted for work and clean everything up. We will see how we go given the difficulty getting in this place, and the 800klm from the bitumen to home inclusive of roadworks. My guess is we might find a free camp along the way but at the end of the day, we are booked in at 1770 and it wouldn't hurt to drop in there for the beachfront site.

You may by now have an idea that we enjoy the beach camping......

The fog didn't lift, in fact it was more cloud than anything so what was a forecast of sunshine failed to eventuate. We decided around lunch time that we would press on home tomorrow with an early start and predicted arrival time at 5pm if we don't dick around.

The afternoon was spent climbing sand dunes, playing orbit tennis, connect 4, who's who & doing puzzles with the boys, so it was good. We also managed a swim when the sun came out at 2:30. The boys went in nude and it as bloody funny seeing the two of them with their budgie tans. Maverick just started diving into the waves which I haven't seen him do before, then his conservative big brother followed. Great to see the waves don't scare them any more. A little sun and salt water time was a good way to spend an hour also.

The boys had their first drive of the Prado today also. They sat on my lap and steered the car for about 5klm each with no assistance. They absolutely loved it, as did I. They can't wait to tell their teachers they drove on the beach at ages 6 & 4. What a great way to learn how to drive, it's how I did and it made me so happy. Mum might tell another story....

All of the campers within our vicinity left and also left behind firewood, so I went from zero to hero in minutes after raping the leftovers. We had more than we did last night and all the signs were pointing to another big night around the fire.

We packed literally everything up after tea so we can get away tomorrow at 6:30am. We bribed the boys with Maccas breakfast at Rocky if they were good, it always works....

Now we had no neighbours, we all had nude bush showers by the car. The boys love it and so do I when Nat has hers.... I was all laughs & smiles so she said "we'll if you want me to be a bush bitch then get used to it - there would be plenty of women that would be too prissy to do this!!"

What she didn't understand was the I wasn't laughing at her, I was perving at her and just loving it....

We sat by the fire and had some drinks for the last time for what we think will be a while. It's great when Nat gets a bit pissy because she is so funny. We chatted and made plans to save the world and went to bed in the Mann Vann of the last time also on this trip.

750klm await tomorrow, then our own bed and clean up time for the next few days.

We will do a little summary in the next couple of days after we get home and sign off until our next Mann-Venture.

Jase & Nat.



Saturday 6 July 2013

Byfield National Park and some serious tracks....

When I picked Byfield as a destination I knew it was north of Yeppoon and that it was going to be too expensive to go to the hotel there, so we would do the National Park thing.

What I didn't know that once in Byfield which is actually some distance from Yeppoon (and we didn't even go through Yeppoon) there is a 25klm track in to the beach sites that took us 90 minutes.

All of this on top of the 430klms we travelled to get here from Cape Hillsborough. Gold Daddy.....oh it's Dad now, I forgot.

Anyway, after fueling up and the locals giving me a funny look when I asked if I could take a camper trailer in there, we set off toward the beach. I must admit they were very helpful but not confident I should take the trailer in there, particularly one as big as ours.

On the way in I hollered down a bloke coming out with a trailer. He said I would be all good just keep right at the junction and "give it some berries going up the hill!!!!!!" He also said to drop the tyres down to 10psi and 8psi in the trailer. I was a bit reluctant to do this because I have never needed to do this ever and I learnt to drive on sand. There are some pretty hairy tracks on the sand islands around SEQ so I thought I would just go to 12 on the trailer and 15 on the car.

As we started to ascend, just as the guy described, I gave it some berries and the junction just appeared around a corner and you guessed it, I ended up on the left and the steepest, rutted out part of the dune. This dune was big, steep, soft, rutted, chunky and narrow, so not much room for error. We got about 70% of the way up and the Prado with 1500kg behind it said no dickhead, too hard.

I jumped out, my tail between my legs and promptly let the tyres down to 10 & 8 respectively and tried a few more times to get up with no luck because of loss of momentum. My only option was to reverse all the way down, which is a challenge in itself when you can't see and have 2 boys just jumping around like crazed people because of all the excitement.....

We made it to the bottom again and I got as much momentum as I could, took the right track and just bounced around like you wouldn't believe up this track. The smiles on the boys faces were priceless and we were all in fits of laughter when we got to the top because that is exactly how the guy described it, and the only way to get up there with a trailer on the back.

Without a doubt the toughest sand track we have ever attempted and now conquered. Brilliant stuff.

It was a further 30 odd minutes from there to the campsite and again we were blessed with a grassy, shady site, protected from the wind and quiet with the exception of the waves crashing in on the beach. Blue skies again and the forecast is for more of the same tomorrow.

2 nights here although I think it would be nice to stay more. It really is a pity we have to go back to work, we could easily do this full time without many complaints.

It should be a nice couple of days

Jase & Nat.


Friday 5 July 2013

Sensational day of nothing.....

The tide was in mid morning so we made the most of it. The beach took on a totally different complexion with the water in so close and only sand being exposed. The difference in pictures tell the story.

We managed to swim and do everything we have blogged already when it comes to time at the beach which again, is bloody great. Mavvy is tanning up well and even Zander, whilst his skin is awfully dry, is looking like he is browning well too. Mum is very particular about sunscreen but at the end of the day, when you are in it as much as we have been, the skin just starts to brown as a natural barrier to the sun. We are all looking very tanned and relaxed I must admit.

The day really didn't bring any accomplishments other than the above and a few games of UNO & Zander's new puzzles for his birthday. Kookaburras found some old steak bones from somewhere and 3 of them decided to try and pick any meat left on them right beside us as we waved from our camp chairs, which was cool. Add to that the scrub turkeys and goannas getting around and this sort of stuff is priceless for the boy's awareness of native animals and the bush in general. 

These are the days that make it. You feel like you are on holidays.


Jase & Nat....

Thursday 4 July 2013

Cape Hillsborough

This morning my parts had still not arrived TNT so I called them up to chase it down. We only had 100 odd klms to go but we had to be out by 10am and my taillights weren't working. 

I lodged the enquiry and she told me I would have a call back within the hour. I had a call back within 15 minutes saying it was on route from Mackay to Proserpine. I asked her if I could pick it up and she said she would call me back to arrange. They called back within 10 mins and said it would arrive at 10am at Proserpine and the agent would ring me when it was available.

I had a call at 10am from the agent and went and picked it up at 10 past 10.

The new could could learn a thing or two from TNT and I never ought I would ever hear that come out of my mouth.....

Southward to Cape Hillsborough and upon arrival we found a magic campsite. Quiet, shady, own track to walk to the beach and pit toilets about 100m away. This is what camping is all about. It was lunchtime so we sorted that and then spent some time at the beach. With the tide out there was at least 1klm of mudflats so not really inviting, but nice all the same. It looked as though the tide came in a long way by the sand markings which meant at least 50m of sand based swimming at the turn of the tide. However plenty of mud there at this time for the boys to walk in and throw at one and other, which s what they did and had a shit load of fun doing it.....

Once we got them cleaned off and started dinner, I finally got to use my fire pit I bought from Bunnings given the National Parks only allow fires above the ground here. Not that anybody cared, there were fire remnants everywhere and by the look of it they used wood gathered from the park. Not us, we used the pit and brought our own wood, because we care about enabling our boys to take their kids to places like this down the track.

Nat & I managed to spend a couple of hours by the fire after the boys went to sleep which was great. We just talked about everything over a few drinks and it was nice to just do that by the fire again. It's not the 5 star Big 4 resort, but it sure as heck beats it hands down in our opinion.

Life is good

Jase & Nat.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Ocean Rafting Safariiiiiiii......

Today was Z Mann's birthday and we had a big day booked. We awoke and of  course did presents in bed before light outside (just small gifts because we have a fish tank at home for him) and then started to get moving for the bus pickup. I'd arranged for some parts for the trailer to be sent here under warranty and checked at reception to no avail, while the boys just rode around the park meeting new kids and generally being pains in the ass to whomever had to deal with them....

The bus arrived at 9 or so and we were greeted by a Maori dude called Will about 50 years old. He was pretty cool but the way he spoke just got the better of me after a full day on a boat listening to his exasperated endings to sentences. As an example....." Hey guyyyyyys, are you ready for a big dayyyyyyyyyy, on the boat raftingggggggggg, we gonna have some foooooood, and smash some waaaaaves, and go to paradiiiiiiiiiise, for some down tiiiiiiiiime you gonna luvvvvvvvvv ittttttttt........

Bloody annoying.

Anyway, we set out and got the front seat which in hindsight was the most fun but the most uncomfortable also. First stop was snorkelling for an hour just at the northern tip of Whitsunday Island. The water was cool at 22 degrees but we all managed to get in and give it a go. First real time for the boys and they had their little wetsuits which was pretty cute. Whilst Zander was much better than at Exmouth, Mav didn't really get it so we tried, and I think they would have persisted but they just got too cold and wanted back on the boat. Nat & I just swapped watching them and got to have a good look around. The water was a bit murky but all in all pretty good. Some good underwater shots and a good way to spend some time.

Next stop was Whitehaven Beach, and let me say it looks just like it does in the pictures. We had a magic day with no clouds in the sky and low tide on arrival so we got to see all of the white sand. A short walk to the lookout allowed us some great shots and then a little schooling from Will on the sand. It is 98.9% pure silica sand which means it doesn't get hot in the sun. In fact the sand was quite cool under foot. It is the best quality sand to make glass anywhere in the world which is why the yanks wanted to mine it. In fact the sand taken from here was used to make the Hubble Telescope because of its pure silica content.

After this we went to a sheltered part of the 7klm beach and had a buffet lunch. It wasn't the greatest, stale bread rolls and basically a bit of cold meat and salad thrown together, but it didn't matter, we were in paradiiiiiiise......

Will took the boys to see some goannas and I got to just laze in the sun - perfect.......

On the way back to Airlie the wind came up and it was an enjoyable but bumpy ride. Zander got a bit scared for a bit so they just decided to go to sleep. How, I am not sure, we were smashing thorough waves and getting airborne constantly without so much as a movement from the boys. We had to brace their heads so that they didn't get any whiplash!!!

Back on terrafirma and Z wanted Maccas for tea. Not sure why as we have that once a fortnight at home, but that's what he wanted so we did it. A woolies sponge cake finished the night with a happy birthday singalong from us all, and that finished off what was a pretty big day by anyone's standard.

Off to Cape Hillsborough tomorrow which should be nice as it is National Park action....which is gold....

Jase & Nat.....


Tuesday 2 July 2013

Airlie - Day 2

Today, considering it is Zander’s birthday tomorrow, we booked a sea rafting adventure for the day inclusive of snorkelling and 2 hours on Whitehaven Beach. It looks fantastic so we thought it would be great for the little Mann and we will look forward to this for tomorrow. 

We decided to venture into town (park is 4klm away) and have a look around. Unfortunately the main street is all dug up as they are redoing the bitumen but we still managed to get up and down each side and have a bo peep. Not much has changed since we were last here although Shute Harbour Road which is the main entrance point has shot up amazingly and everything you need is now readily available along this road.
Back to the pool and we literally stayed there in the sun for about 4-5 hours. Nat had a poolside massage, I read most of the day between going down the slides and swimming with the boys, while Nat watched them go to the jumping pillow or playground. Dad made & brought sangas poolside for lunch so we didn’t lose the lounge chairs and the boys looked smashed by 3pm.....

Down to the supermarket to stock up for the next week and the day was done. I can tell you, sitting around doing nothing certainly does agree with us and we now feel like (Nat in particular) that we are rested.
Bring on tomorrow and number 6 for Z Mann....

Jase & Nat....